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Your TextSModcast is the meandering palaver of a pair of dudes whose voices are so dull, they don’t deserve to be on the radio (and, hence, aren’t). Kevin Smith and Scott Mosier are SModcast.The best thing about SModcast? It don’t cost nothing.


SModcast 59: Frosh Meat –

In which our heroes battle bargain-hunters, jealous lovers, the danger of dills, and misty, water-colored memories of the way they were.

[CONTENT WARNING] SModcast features harsh language and even harsher notions of propriety. Listener discretion is advised.

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SModcast 59 (MP3 format) – 61.40 MB


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Comments: 50 Comments

50 Responses to “SModcast 59”

  1. Guy Says:


  2. alexdoss Says:

    nice first getting baked and ready to listen. Peace Guys

  3. Bryan Says:

    Yeah! My week will start off right!

  4. Benjamin Barker Says:

    Phew, I was worried for about two hours there.

  5. luis Says:

    hey you guys rock… thanks.. and Kevin you should stop smokin pot…

  6. Scott Says:


  7. MavLee Says:

    I almost had a panic attack for about a hour there. I have a feeling this will be a good week.

  8. w0bzzy Says:

    Thanks for the new SMod, Kev.

  9. RMcElroy Says:

    I’m thinking I like the motivation of the sponsor. Two extra minutes of Smodcast to boot!

  10. Fat Black Guy Says:

    I Live 4 SmodCast

  11. Ted Danson Says:

    Nothin’ like a Smod for a birthday present.

  12. doss Says:

    Kevin Smith FUCKING SUCKS!!! go Scott

  13. V Says:

    Fuck telling Kevin to stop smoking. He’s an adult, one quite capable of making decisions. (I’d think.)

  14. bloopy Says:

    just finished listening to it and i have to say, that was an awesome smodcast – easily in the top 10. ..

    btw, i dunno if kevin or anyone reads these comments but i have to ask – what was the purpose of no doors on the toilet stalls in your high school?. . . i know some bars do it to keep the patrons from doing drugs and/or having a quickie, but i’ve never heard of a high school doing it. . .

  15. V Says:

    This episode was good.. except the lows followed by ear splitting laughter is giving me a headache. It’s not so bad when Brian stays near the mic.. but so much of the time he’s speaking either far away from the mic or really quietly. Makes for a hard listen having to adjust the volume constantly.

  16. Fredrik Says:

    My need for SMeed was just fulfilled. Thanks a lot. Lovin’ it!

  17. MavHill Says:

    I have to agree with “V”. Still a good smod though. Walt always has a funny story to tell. Good Stuff.

  18. Evil_Lifesucker_LLC Says:

    My wife thinks you guys are a bunch o pervs w/no values. Not Scott…She was referring to Kevin only this time. Anyway she says Im trying to be like you guys when i told her that chicks with eating disorders are fucking retarded. I think I can continue listening if I lie and say the SM in SModcast stands for “Scott Mosier” and that Kevin just fills in for Scott while Scott is out saving some species of lizard n shit. On the upside, by denying Kevin I was able to get me some.

  19. Peter J. Says:

    Another great SFJodcast, but the need to be ‘at the ready’ for quick volume adjustments makes this a very tedious listen. This has been an ongoing issue (usally in the non-Mos casts) and it really sucks having to deal with.

    Do you not see this issues coming Kev? I know Walk and Bri are you buds so you’re not gonna tell ’em to “speak up” or “keep it on mic”, but some remastering of these as some other recordings would have been greatly appreciated.

    Frankly, I missed at least half of what was being said in this installment. Which of course, sucks fat donkey(show) balls. Onward and upward. Cheers.

  20. Kether Says:

    Between the daisy dukes and the groaning alone, I was laughing hysterically. I’m sure all my coworkers are wondering what the hell is wrong with me. I’m always sad to not hear Scott, but Walt and Brian are a nice change of pace.

    Thanks guys.

  21. Mark Smith Says:

    Next time, tape the fucking mic to Walt’s head so we can hear him.

  22. Skinny White Guy Says:

    I loves me some Smodcast.

  23. gillian Says:

    i’m also gonna agree with v, some consistency with volume levels would be rad. Also fantastic smodcast besides that one again sirs.

  24. Dougie Fresh Says:

    i live with the parents (im only 16) and they are at work and i don’t have work today..which means that i got the iSpeakers out and im listening to smods all day. this one is great. i just listened to the infamous “I’ll cut off my pinky if Paul Martin isn’t the PM” smod

  25. Berserker Says:

    Bryan was the one I couldn’t really hear. Mewes does the exact same thing on commentaries & smods.

  26. Gnicklas Says:

    I almost pissed myself at the part where bryon talks about asking his mom for a slayer album while being treated for alcohol poisoning.

  27. Berto Says:

    Love the stuff you do Kev. Cant wait to see what you and Walt do with Batman

  28. cleartrampoline Says:

    Walt is so funny, he should start his own podcast.

  29. Berto Says:

    LOVED IT. Beers to you. Cant wait to see what you and Walt will do with Batman

  30. April B. Says:

    God, I love the Walt casts. He is easily my favorite person you have on. And with Brian it made all the more funny.

  31. Pablo Says:

    Great smodcast!! They keep getting better and better. Saw Zak and Miri last week here in Toronto. Must say that I though it was Fracking funny. Keep up the great work!

  32. Ken Says:

    I’ll pile on – this episode was very funny, but the volume thing made it really hard to fully enjoy it. Walt and Brian were great filling Mos’ seat.

  33. mlcsmith Says:

    I can’t believe that Walt was the underdog. He seems like the last guy that would have a whole host of people against him. I for one am cheering for Walt.

    At the same time though it brought a smile to my face to picture this scene.

    “Man, he’s gonna fuck you up like Walt Flanagan’s dog!”
    “Tell ’em Steve-Dave”

  34. Jason Says:

    I love it when Walt and Brian are on! Walt’s way of telling stories just cracks me up.

  35. panza Says:

    There is a story on yahoo about a man on a bus in canada who killed and be-headed his riding mate. The entire time i’m reading the story i’m just thinking maybe canada’s are a little more bad a$$ then i thought.

  36. padhraic macaogain Says:

    Enjoyed smodcast 58 but who sings the song kodachrome

  37. MetaMike Says:

    Anyone else have any issue with the feedburner not being updated? I had to DL the stupid thing manually.

  38. Mike V Says:

    That salacious crumb call was fucking gold kev.

    Keep up the good work.

  39. HairyTrucker Says:

    Does anyone actually listen to these things before putting them up for download? I couldn’t hear 90% of what Brian Johnson had to say because he couldn’t be bothered to get close to the mic.

    BTW: MetaMike, the feed is updated a week behind the website. Supposedly, it’s to limit bandwidth usage.

  40. Seth Says:

    Bah, I say! Your server is slower than an unladen European swallow carrying a coconut.

  41. MM Says:

    Now that you have a sponser, lets get a microphone for Bryan,s, Jay’s and Maalcom’s head so we can hear them.

  42. dick wolf Says:

    How awesome would it be if you guys put up SModcasts around this time on Sundays, instead of late at night? Pretty please?

  43. Ike Diggity Says:

    Awsome smodcast, one of the best I think.

  44. Tighearnan Says:

    AH brilliant. another podcast with walt and bryan. :D:D . why cant their be a reunion 6 way podcast. with smith . mosier . johnson. mewes. malcom ingrem. flannigan


  45. Billy Says:

    Loved this one but the mike levels were all over, I could barely hear Brian.

  46. Maggie Says:

    This really set my day off on the right tone…listened to you guys at 5 this morning before work and have to say you left me with a permenant smile on my face! Best way to start any day!! Just so funny!!

  47. Vinnie Radice Says:

    Daisy Dukes! I havent laughed so much in fuckin years. Thank you so much guys.

  48. Claus kanstrup Says:

    Lave walt on that show….. always got great storeys for us

  49. Michael LaMere Says:

    Great podcast Kevin. I hate to admit this but I have never heard your podcast before. I guess coming to the party late is better than NOT coming to the hooker party at all. I am actually a member of my own weekly podcast we call “Chronic Insomnia” and we’re just celebrating our 100th episode this week.

    I really love your podcast and it’s nice to hear that we aren’t the only vulgar podcast out there. Chronic Insomnia – The Comic Book Podcast Your Momma Warned You About. Thanks for keeping the profanity alive on the internet. I am now a devoted listener.


  50. Pedro Fandago Says:

    Man, I love the SMods with Walt and Bryan. Just the way they all PISS themselves laughing most of the way through just makes me laugh!

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