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Your TextSModcast is the meandering palaver of a pair of dudes whose voices are so dull, they don’t deserve to be on the radio (and, hence, aren’t). Kevin Smith and Scott Mosier are SModcast.The best thing about SModcast? It don’t cost nothing.


SModcast 71: Way of the Master –

In which our heroes take it easy and forget to be funny.

[CONTENT WARNING] SModcast features harsh language and even harsher notions of propriety. Listener discretion is advised.

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SModcast 71 (MP3 format) – 56.73 MB


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Comments: 138 Comments

138 Responses to “SModcast 71”

  1. Dave E Boy Says:

    Look Hostel Owner, I like Smocast and everything, but if you’re telling me that Kev (if not Scott) wasn’t high I want some of what YOU’RE smoking.

    Here’s a quick run down:
    Jesus is talking to Kirk Cameron about why he is going to die because he’s, literally, his parachute. Jesus explains getting into heaven is a crapshoot and that Kirk won’t understand why because Jesus was gleefing off the gliffnor of mofenshnop … and that if Jesus talked to him in his God language (BOOOP BEEEP BOPUM BOP) Kirk wouldn’t understand that either.

    Not high … right.

  2. Sean Says:

    “Man made liquor God made pot, God is perfect man is not.” Stick that in Kirk’s pipe and smoke it.

  3. Ikaika Says:

    Look guys, no need to be so hostile. Askew needs to include Kirk Cameron on their next film. He could play Jesus’ son, who needs to walk through Middle earth to become a jedi and help Morpheus stop the Ma-sheens.

    Hey! Who’s gonna die next, Ringo or McCartney? Thoughts?

  4. jRod Says:

    I wonder how long into his presidency before someone would have “SLAP TRACKED” Bush….

  5. Jeff in Wichita Says:

    Posting with the wrong date in iTunes means that it won’t make it to my ipod. Bewwwwww.

    iTunes sorts podcasts by date, and most of us have set up ipod syncing so that only recent shows get into our players.

    The new show with the wrong year shows up in iTunes as a very old show.

    Repost it with the correct year if possible please.

  6. Alex D. Says:

    whats wrong with your guys itunes,mine says 2009. and when you put stuff on itunes they put the date for you

  7. Peter J. Says:

    Are you *angry** Shecky?

    Go watch DOGMA.

    Good dog.

  8. Jason Says:

    Hey guys,

    It’s mostly my anal retentive tendencies but it really bothers me that there is no album artwork associated with the podcast. On iTunes I just get that general gray picture of what looks like a psychic Weeble. Any thought to adding artwork for the show?

    Just a thought


  9. Shorty Says:


    No. Not all people who believe in god try and force it down other people’s throat, and if everyone who belived in god did the same, I would have no problem. But how many children have had theit world view tainted with regards to science, free thinking and logical reasoning because of the fact they were brought up to follow the word of god as truth as was written in the bible? Far too many.

    Both of my parents are roman catholic and I thank them both for not raising me in a religous household, but all you need to do is look at how faith schools are run and funded by the govt. in this country (England) to see the problems with indoctrination of pliable minds. Compare that to the states and England is positivly secular.

    By the way, I promise this is the last post I do here about religion. I really could spend hours on the subject.

    And I have been drinking for the last 7.

    Bring on the next smod!

  10. D-Day Says:

    It just ocurred to me we might not get a new smod since Mos said he was leaving town. I hope that’s not true…

  11. Dougie Says:

    go to google images. search smodcast. there is the image of them at a 300×300. i use that and just copy and paste
    bring it on!!

  12. hurpdurp Says:

    Any word on whether or not we’ll have a new SMod tonight?

  13. Justin Says:

    Man.. no one will ever read this if there’s a new SMOD in a minute..

    But, like, sure, as a Christian (although a buddy of mine who lists his religion on Facebook changed it to “Can we redeem the term “Christian”) – I get stung when the ire turns to me and mine.. but thats what Smod is about. Eventually it will be you, so man up and deal.

    That being said, its worth noting that while I truly think Cameron is doing what he does out of a sense of altruism, he’s barking up the wrong tree.

    So, all those Christian Smod fans.. here’s an idea. be there for your friends. Be kind to them. And be who you always are (why I love Smod: Kev is who he is.. all the time, no posturing). And, one day, when it comes up.. say: Yeah, this is why I try to be the way I am, I really feel forgiven and that the Jesus thing is really real.

    And if they want to know more.. then tell them.. if not.. be their friend no differently. If you’re known as the nice guy (a la Kev taking Mewes in after Dogma) – the one who is genuine. Peeps will want to know why.

  14. Nic Says:

    The only thing taught at school is darwinism and evolution they dont teach creationism and if a child does bring it up their looked at like idiots who dont believe in science some of the most famous scientist were religious Einstein was Jewish and Pavlock, The fact is evolution is not proven and science doesnt hold all the answers just like religion their wholes The whole thing about the earth being 10000000 of years old can still be the case with creationism because no one knows what a day is to god Science still cant answer what created everything from the beginning so Im with Kev what do I loose by believing in the end if IIm wrong so what and what do you non believers give up in the end if your wrong so its just common sense you guys are the ones using no logic

  15. Jasper Says:

    Hi, if you come to Vietnam let me know I buy you a beer I’m in Saigon so send me a mail

  16. joshua Says:

    wooo i love you smod!

  17. gillian Says:

    two hikau’s:
    no smodcast tonight
    let down once again, how sad
    Mosier, Vietnam.

    how sad how sad sigh
    Walt! Brian! Jen! hur-ry come quick!
    Smodcast withdrawal.

  18. Kimberly Says:

    I need a smodcast this week it might pull me out of bed in the morning

  19. theotherbilly Says:

    Kevin you don’t need a co-host for SMod while Scott is away. Just get high and talk to your dog.
    I’m sure that would provide enough hours of disturbing/surreal entertainment to make us all happy.

    BTW, I asked my girlfriend what she would choose if facing the “Forced To Suck Dick In A Bank” scenario.
    She said, “I guess I’d be slobbin’ on the nob”.
    That (coupled with the fact that she’s never given me a blowjob) briefly made me consider changing my career to Bank Robber…

  20. John Says:

    Nic, you’re an idiot.

    “some of the most famous scientist were religious Einstein was Jewish”
    Aside from the fact that this is the logical fallacy known as the appeal to authority, Einstein was quite clear that he did not believe in a personal god, of the Jehovah/Yaweh type.

    “The fact is evolution is not proven”
    Yes it is.

    “science doesnt hold all the answers”
    Science never claimed to. If it did know all the answers, it would STOP.

    “Science still cant answer what created everything from the beginning”
    Yeah, science isn’t afraid to say “We don’t know. Yet.”
    At least it’s honest. If you’re so afraid of genuine inquiry that you think all life’s answers are found in a 2000 year old collection of desert stories, that’s just sad.

    “what do I loose by believing in the end”
    You lose the freedom to do certain things in life, by following a set of rules and constraints made up out of thin air.

    “what do you non believers give up in the end if your wrong ”

    This is known as Pascal’s wager. You’re not the first to think of it. However, people who say Pascal’s wager is a reason to believe never allow for the fact that it’s not a binary option: Believe in god, or not. It’s WHICH god. Which religion. Because many of them say “If you don’t believe in our god, you lose.” Your argument is just as valid for telling a christian to believe Islam is correct. (If wrong, what have you lost?) The reason the argument doesn’t cause any conversions (from one religion to another, or from atheism to theism) is that it’s a fundamentally weak and flawed argument.

  21. Shane Says:

    Unsure if Kevin even read this but thought he might be interested (TERRIFIED) to read this

    Shark attacks man in NSW lake – http://iinet.net.au/customers/news/articles/717586.html

    This is the third shark attack in Australia in as many days.

  22. Dan Says:

    It’s “Haiku” you fool!

  23. bah Says:

    fuck ideology. have fun taking ignorance to your grave!

  24. The not so silent Bob Says:

    My problem with Christianity is this, you put your faith in God as told by a his friends , as told by the people who wrote down the words, as was remembered and passed down to still other people until finally typed up. This is the longest game of Gossip (AKA telephone) in history. But wait there’s more, not only where these words passed down through history, they were debated on and voted on until you got down to the book as it is today. I’m not trying to get you to renounce your faith as I did, I’m just pointing out a few of the major flaws I have found.
    Suicide being a sin- Think about it, life on earth in the middle ages sucked, it was hard it was short and violent. Heaven is a paradise, no pain, no suffering, bathed in Gods warmth, Why wouldn’t you cash in your chips??? The bulk of these “rules” were made up to keep people in social check, so the strong may feed on the weak and society will continue as it always has.
    As for the argument of what happens at the end, I have no idea, but if its nothing, then this ride sucked and I want my money back, but if it’s a god and a heaven, She isn’t going to keep me out because I didn’t believe, my God has enough self respect not to need my validation. If I get to go around again, I hope its better the next time.

  25. Justin Says:


    Clearly Nic needs to hone his arguments (and grammar) but your arguments are a bit hyperbolic as well.

    First, advice: Starting with the “Your arguments include this logical Fallacy, bla bla bla” drops you a notch. Unless the crux of an argument is based on a huge fallacy, its best to let it go. Especially the “Appeal to authority”. Fallacies are only disallowed in logical arguments, not in all arguments. It is often worthwhile to say: “Smarter people than me believe this too” – as a shield from the eventual “You believe X therefore you are an idiot.”

    That being said: There are a number of scientists that look at the way things work and come to a creationist conclusion. Some things seem too well designed and too anti-intuitive to work with the “accidental” approach. Many disagree.. but I think the point is that conclusions can be reached on both ends of the arguments, and often are.

    “If you’re so afraid of genuine inquiry that you think all life’s answers are found in a 2000 year old collection of desert stories” – of course assumes that belief in the Bible is based on fear of genuine inquiry, and that the stories are only 2000 years old, and that all life’s answers must be looked for there. Its an attacking argument, and has little to do with your argument as a whole.

    “You lose the freedom to do certain things in life, by following a set of rules and constraints made up out of thin air.” – Of course, you gain many things too, sidestepping the theist question, you gain community, a set of values that function well in society, a basis for behavior that in many cases is very healthy (don’t drink too much, don’t hurt people, don’t lie, etc..), and most believers who were at one time non-believers would describe a number of gained things.. so the argument of loss is, at the very least, countered equally. Of course there is the possibility that some believe, that it is NOT out of thin air (To claim so is.. I can’t help myself.. an “Appeal to Ignorance” (tic) – so to end your sentence with that drive-by attack is lazy arguing).

    I appreciate your attempt to bring the issue to a logical argument, but to start with “Idiot” and then try to prove your mental superiority by espousing an “I can argue more logically and dispassionately” argument is ultimately self-defeating, in my humble opinion.

  26. Emma Says:

    I cannot get enough smodcast!

  27. Dave E Boy Says:

    Evolution hasn’t been proven in the same way gravity hasn’t been proven. Personally, I believe Pillow Pants draws my mass down towards the Great Vagina at the centre of the Earth.

    Check out: http://www.venganza.org/

    It’s the funniest site in the world dedicated to creationism.

  28. Blake Says:

    Maybe God is just the act of kindness to another human being, or maybe it’s inside of that act that you find God. It seems to me it’s better to follow a path that leads to honesty and love, rather than bash each other to pieces with talk and violence. I find it ironic that people can accept that we live on a rock that spins around a ball of fire and yet they can’t accept that maybe there is a higher power out there that is more than we can understand. In the end the only thing that truley matters is how do you feel about the reflection looking back at you in the mirror? It’s very easy to spot the ones that don’t like what they see, because they are the people who spread hatered.

  29. iceland dude:D:D Says:

    HAHAHAH SModcast is awsome!!

    happy 2009 from iceland!!

  30. iceland dude:D:D Says:

    hey kevin can you post a pic of your tattoo if you have any?

  31. Tracie Says:

    Slightly off topic here, but What the F*&# was up with the Golden Globes having Elizabeth Banks AND Seth Rogen present an award together and list two other movies as what they are from instead of the obvious Zack and Miri Make a Porno. Even if they cheated and just referred to it as Zack and Miri it would have been okay.
    Okay, just had to get that off my chest.

  32. Alex D. Says:

    kev said on the viewaskew board that there will be a mew smod tonight,he said he was at a game so he didnt upload it to ken but he did at 12 today!!

  33. Sean Says:

    Justin, you said that religion provides values. It does for many people. But atheists and agnostics share these values, too, especially: don’t drink too much, don’t hurt people, don’t lie.

    You also noted that Evolution can seem unintuitive. But with the right perspective it can seem highly intuitive. Consider, for example, malaria. It kills millions each year. It is well suited for its environment. It causes increased production of CO2, attracting more mosquitoes to the afflicted, creating greater spread of the disease. Does this mean that God designed malaria to kill African children? I don’t believe so. I don’t believe that a good God would do that. A more likely answer is that this strain of malaria survived better because it is more infectious. We should accept that, and do what we can to fight the disease.

    Of course, no scientific theory is perfect. But over and over again in the past, science has ironed out the wrinkles in its theories, rather than being disproved by them. Finally, I would point out two things. (1) Explaining natural phenomena seems to be the least important use of the Bible. More important are the teachings. (2) Why would God include apparent mistakes in His message? Perhaps to test the faithful.

  34. Justin Says:

    Sean, you bring up good points.. and I assure you that my respect goes out to Atheists and agnostics (and believers of non-Judeo Christian Faiths) – my point is simply that the “restrictions” john mentioned are part of a culture of behavior that is usually beneficial when it is applied.

    What is good, is that this can be discussed in this respectful, logical manner, without Christians screaming “Why don’t you believe?” and the non-Christians yelling “You’re all judgmental idiots”!

    Well done, sir.

    (Oh, sidenote, I noticed the Zack and Miri snub too.. Something fishy there)

  35. Doug Says:

    alex.. by mew…do u mean new or MEW-ES hahahh yes!!!

  36. Jason Says:

    Sean… You say there are apparent mistakes in God’s message without giving an example of any. Might want to include those examples if your argument is to be taken seriously.

    Also… the world is not a perfect place. Let’s blame God. Or we could look into the book of Genesis and see that when sin was brought into the world in affected not just humans but the Earth as well. Every bit of creation was tainted by sin. There is now death and disease, hatred and sadness, pain and loss…

    And evolution… still a theory. That’s why they call it the theory of evolution. It hasn’t been proven in most cases and that’s where the whole term “missing link” comes in. At a point the theory is unprovable.

  37. JP UK Says:

    Christ that Kirk Cameron is a loony.

  38. thirtyseven Says:

    @ron fez

    I resent your implication that I fuck my dog. Shes adorable, she has these little stubby feet and she sits on her haunches and begs! Actually she was living out in the winter weather at a friends house and i was told if i didnt take her in, she would most certainly die. I couldnt live my life knowing that there was a little dagshund-cicle stuck to a tree out there somewhere so i gave her a good home. And no sir, I dont fuck her. Shes more like my friends 12 year old daughter. Would you fuck your friends 12 year old daughter? HUH FEZ??? I didnt think so.

    Anyways, kevs right….dagshunds are hillarious when ur stoned. DONT JUDGE ME.

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