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Your TextSModcast is the meandering palaver of a pair of dudes whose voices are so dull, they don’t deserve to be on the radio (and, hence, aren’t). Kevin Smith and Scott Mosier are SModcast.The best thing about SModcast? It don’t cost nothing.


SModcast 70: SMod Bless Us, Everyone! –

In which our heroes try to keep it about the holiday, and fail miserably.

[CONTENT WARNING] SModcast features harsh language and even harsher notions of propriety. Listener discretion is advised.

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SModcast 70 (MP3 format) – 48.00 MB


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Comments: 83 Comments

83 Responses to “SModcast 70”

  1. Alan in Wis Says:

    Yeah… They called it too. Kid shot in the head… but this guy meant it, Kev’s “second story” guy kinda didn’t… You gotta be some kind of cold hearted monster to shoot a kid in the face.. a girl no less.. and on Xmas… fucked up…

  2. charvey Says:

    You Guys ROCK!!!

  3. Matt Says:

    Is it your goal to come up with as many SModpuns as possible. I hope the answer is yes.

  4. Katie P Says:

    Yo, Haven’t looked at or lisend to anything yet…But thanks for the new Smod!!!!! Happy holidays

  5. annon Says:

    Update your zune feed. Its 7 behind and the dates are always messed up.

  6. Shorty Says:

    Thanks for festival of Mithras present you SMother F*uckers! Sucks about what has happened to the people on christmas eve, but you guys were still funnny as all hell.

    Really nice that you have cheered up after the shitty news on the Zack and Miri box office.

  7. Haley Says:

    I think I zoned out for about 30 seconds (listening at work) and the topic of discussion went from giving a brick layer a blow job to the air pressure in a helicopter. Love it.

  8. April B. Says:

    Good Smod. Merry Christmas! 😀

  9. Alex Says:

    Maybe I heard wrong, but I thought one of you said that the air pressure goes up the higher you go in a helicopter. The air pressure actually drops.

  10. theotherbilly Says:

    Being that it’s the end of the year…

    Best SModcast moment: Walter Flannagan’s Action Figure Crime Syndicate story.

    Worst SModcast moment: Kevin’s “Forced To Suck Dick In A Bank” homoerotic fantasy.

    That was some disturbing shit Kevin. That which is heard cannot be unheard 🙁

  11. wraith Says:

    I loved this one. I harrrrred.

    Just a little info tidbit, helicopters can only go as high as their rotors are capable of generating lift. The higher you go, the thinner the air gets making it more difficult for an airfoil to generate lift. A helicopter’s rotor is basically several airplane wings spun in a cirle to generate lift, so spinning the rotor faster generates more lift causeing the helicopter to gain altitude until the air gets too thin for the rotors to generate lift anymore.

    Carry on… 🙂

  12. Cucumber Jones Says:

    Tied for the funniest moment are Kev sucking dick in a bank and them talking about Scott violently masturbating on an airplane.

  13. howard Says:

    hahah. Cucumber’s got it. those were the best!

  14. Fearless Says:

    Oh my gosh, I just discovered these 2 days ago and had to download the other 69 podcasts….love it!

  15. iceland dude:D:D Says:

    this was an awsome epesode

    merry x-mas from iceland!!!!!

  16. Blake Melba Says:

    I just listened to smod 69 and I must say my faith has been restored in Kevin Smith. 68 was very painful to listen too. Shit, Z&M was an awesome movie and one of my favorite of his films so far. Rather than feel bad that the marketing was completly messed up, move on! I only wish I could be in the position this guy is in. His hard work is paying off and he seems to understand that. I am just some smuck asshole who goes to his movies, but so things didn’t go the way he planned. Life is good! I can’t wait to see what he does in the future!

  17. Shorty Says:

    Fave moment: The fucked up make a wish foundation. I laughed so hard other people on the train avoided me when I had to make my connection.

  18. Zoso Says:

    See you guys next year keep up the good work

  19. Justin Says:

    This plus the Kevin Smith book I got for Christmas was the best part of Christmas. I don’t know if it was the lack of me not getting any presents other then the book or not but it was all good.

  20. Alan in Wis Says:

    Shit… thought there’d be a New Years Smod…

    I’m not bitching though… just had a feeling there would be..

    Happy New Years SModfans… and SMod bless us all…

  21. Chris Says:

    Ya know, I had a feeling there would be a New Years SMod as well, but alas, there was not.
    But, as the person above me, I am not going to bitch about not getting a new SMod for New Years and just say SMod bless each and every one of you.
    Oh, and uh… Happy New Years.

  22. Chris Says:

    …Also, I dunno if my above post made sense, I’m kinda fucked up. Just so ya know ;]

  23. Alex D. Says:

    just kidding those guys,thanks for all 70!

  24. Gary G. Says:

    Thanks to Kev and Scott and the rest of the SMOD crew we heard over the last year for another great 12 months of entertainment. I don’t know if you understand how much you are enjoyed and appreciated by your fans so all I can say is Happy New Year to you and yours and I hope things go even better for you in 2009.

  25. Reverend Steve Says:

    I want you guys to know that this is the one podcast I really look forward to and miss when you take a brake. Please keep up the great work it is always enjoyed. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

    Any word when your gonna start a vidcast. Maybe a online show.

  26. The not so silent Bob Says:

    I’m disjointed in Mos’s characters, not including the indignant Canadian is a crime against humanity. Right up there with the holocaust and Orville Redenbacher discontinuing Sour Cream and Onion popcorn. A travesty of which the world will never heal. Happy New Year.

  27. S-J Says:

    Is it just me or this still not availble on Itunes? If not, any chance it’ll go up soon..?

  28. Alex D. Says:

    its actually been on itunes since 12/23, a day before it was released on quickstopentertainment.

  29. S-J Says:

    Bummer, guess my Itunes is munted again. Thanks Alex.

  30. Ben Says:

    God i can’t wait for the next hope we get it soon

  31. Dougie Fresh Says:

    haha I LOVE MOS and his voices. i want the next one

  32. Sir Rantsalot Says:

    If people don’t recognize your films, tell them they were made with a grant from the Kim Jong Ill Film Foundation.

  33. Cassandra Says:

    Haven’t been keeping up with Smodcasts for a while so forgive the comment on an ancient topic but I don’t get why Kevin was confused about what they could have called the movie if the word porno had been left out because for some reason the title had to explain the plot. They didn’t call it Clerks: Wherein a girl with an oral fixation mistakenly fucks a corpse in a bathroom, because it would have scared away the straights. Plain old Zack and Miri would have been just fine. It’s not like people wouldn’t be expecting some adult material given the rating and that it was a Kevin Smith film so there was no need to warn anyone.

    Kevin almost passing out from laughing was hilarious!

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