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Your TextSModcast is the meandering palaver of a pair of dudes whose voices are so dull, they don’t deserve to be on the radio (and, hence, aren’t). Kevin Smith and Scott Mosier are SModcast.The best thing about SModcast? It don’t cost nothing.


SModcast 65: Captain Kev and Mister Scott –

In which our heroes race with the devil, question a non-singing moon-walker, and make contact with the most aloof alien in the galaxy.

[CONTENT WARNING] SModcast features harsh language and even harsher notions of propriety. Listener discretion is advised.

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SModcast 65 (MP3 format) – 61.26 MB


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Comments: 70 Comments

70 Responses to “SModcast 65”

  1. Craig Says:

    Kev, Just in Case no-one else has told you, your two “news” stories came from The Sun and The Daily Mail – these “news”papers are both rags, on a par with National Enquirer. I’m afraid both stories are most likely bullshit. Sorry!

  2. Chris Says:

    Mallrats the porno http://www.pokeherstars.com/bangjenn/bangpass/BP5mallrats1.htm

  3. Kyle Says:

    Not horribly relevant, but since this SMod was on the topic of extraterrestrials, this sort of links up…


    It’s a ‘trailer’ for Mallrats, putting it into a Watchmen-wtyle light. I thought it was insanely funny (as I did ‘Rate itself…), and assumed it was my duty to share it with the world, or at least whoever the fuck reads the ‘Comments’ section on SModcast 65.

    Enjoy, sirs & sirs-ettes.

  4. Santiago Slaby Says:

    Hi Kev and Scott, my name is Santiago, I´m an Argentinian dude, currently studying in Czech Republic. I´m an animator, draw comic books and storyboards.
    Yeah, kinda weird.
    Listening to you guys, it´s like the everyday brainwash so I don´t forget who the fuck am I. But don´t missunderstand me, Central Europe is not like those stupid american movies where you can get a hitman and an Uzi for a 1 u$s. Really beautiful place, let me say. Don´t know why I´m telling this to you.
    I´ve been following your movies since I was 15 (23 by now), I´ve listened all the Smodcasts. Scwallbach needs a regular spot, though. Her voice turns me on, and sounds very sweet when she sends you to fuck yourself.
    About this Smodcast, I think that Nasa exists because of a massive money laundry from the US government. C´mon, do you think we really got to the moon, when Americans spent zillions of U$s dollars sending a flying piece of shit which best achievement is sending a couple 360 degrees images after 6 years of orbiting…? Gimme a break.

    See ya. Looking forward to see Zack and Miri, if ever gets here.

  5. Santiago Slaby Says:

    I forgot to tell you, in Argentina there are several underground religions which stand that Jesus was indeed an alien. I´ve seen many books with a cover with Jesus coming out from a flying saucer.

  6. Bullardo Says:

    Can’t buy better press than this. http://digg.com/movies/Zack_and_Miri_Make_a_Porno_BANNED. When will the MPAA ever learn. What a bunch of douche caskets.

    This movie is gonna kick ass.

  7. Alex Says:

    new smod tomorrow?

  8. JoAnn Says:

    I was wondering the same thing. I hope so.

  9. Zen Says:

    @ian and anyone else looking for other podcasts to add to their listening collection . . . try Scene Unseen Movie Reviews. Great laid back and hilarious movie review show, and, as a special treat for their 100th episode (the latest one, they brought on as special guests none other than Kevin Smith and Seth Rogen. Recorded at Kevin’s House, apparently, because you hear the dogs start barking and Kevin yells at them to “Shut The Fuck Up!” in the middle of the show. Great Smod callback.

  10. Noah Says:

    Kevin, Kevin, Kevin… The U.S. population is a little over 300 million, not 50 million. And unemployment is somewhere around 5%, not 15.

    …Just saying.

    Great show as usual, though.

  11. Guillermo Ess Says:

    @zen Thanks for the suggestion, what a great show!

  12. Alex Says:

    Hey todays my birthday and I turned 16 and a new smod would be a cool present.

  13. Vince Says:

    Kev, love the podcast, love the movies, but either study up on your politics, or just keep your mouth shut. For one, as you stated earlier in an earlier SModcast, Conservatives are not all about “the Jew is using the black as muscle”, and in this SModcast you claim that Republicans only have sex for procreation. You’re lumping a ton of good and decent people, including myself who you would probably never peg as a politically conservative person in with a very small minority of radicals. What the fuck man?

  14. w0bzzy Says:

    New SMod tonight, gentlemen. It’s been up in the VA boards for a while, but I never bothered to drop a comment here.

    @ Alex
    Happy Birthday.

  15. lynx Says:

    @Live And Let Die!: Episode 30: Smith and Wesson. It’s just after 26 minutes. I just happened upon that part of the episode 🙂

    @Vince: The craziest people are usually the loudest. It’s easy to forget that not all people on the “right wing” are idiots. Just most of them. Let’s keep the corrections to actual facts (like Noah) and not silly back-and-forth opinions. This show is 100% about two guys who know eachother well talking to eachother. If you don’t like what they’re saying, piss off.

  16. countdragula Says:

    Lou Gramm From Foreigner is an American. The rest of the members are British.

  17. geegee Says:

    what the f kev?! “50 million people in the US?!?” get your head out of your ass ignorant yankee! whats the capital of Belgium? Canada? fuck!

  18. jim Says:

    “We do kill people.”

    I laughed so hard I almost peed myself

  19. Woolf Says:

    Kevin & Scott,

    I am a peacenik and have always been against the Iraq War, but if aliens came out in support of George W. Bush, I would I call for Earth to go to war with the aliens!

    and FYI: fundamentalist Christians do believe, bases on the Bible, that the universe was created by God for Earth and its people…and therefore, there is no other human-like life forms on other planets. The stars were designed to teach humans about God (which is why the magi knew Christ was born and headed for the manger). Because of this, I don’t think George W. Bush could ally with aliens. It would hurt his ratings with his voter base (the only one’s that still exist).

  20. McCool Says:

    More Flanagan!!!!!

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