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Your TextSModcast is the meandering palaver of a pair of dudes whose voices are so dull, they don’t deserve to be on the radio (and, hence, aren’t). Kevin Smith and Scott Mosier are SModcast.The best thing about SModcast? It don’t cost nothing.


SModcast 55: Naked Butz –

In which our heroes get corny, analyze the father of American obesity, and get a shot of maturity.

[CONTENT WARNING] SModcast features harsh language and even harsher notions of propriety. Listener discretion is advised.

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SModcast 55 (MP3 format) – 49.10 MB


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Comments: 73 Comments

73 Responses to “SModcast 55”

  1. Pinup_Girl Says:

    Where can I get the opening song? I can’t find it at all online.

  2. Donald Says:

    Great smod guys!

    But hey, is there any chance someone could supply the Matt Berry song from the beginning? Ken maybe? Seems to be pretty high demand for it.. I’d like the other one too, from Sphincter Fresh if at all possible. Anyway, again, great smod.

  3. UncaScroogeMcD Says:

    I’d recommend you leave comments for Matt Berry on his MySpace page telling him where you heard it, how much you like it, and if he’d put it up again… To anyone who liked it, please head over and give Matt some cyber-love…

  4. MG Says:

    Hey Guys,

    Disagree with the analogy that thoughts of killing some one or harboring violent thoughts is akin to thinking gay thoughts and whether one is gay
    basically you it sounds as if you are saying gay is taboo or immoral. I know this isn’t your intention but it sounds that way from the comparison.

    Gay is the preference of a relationship of those of same sex over the opposite sex. It is not a description of acts committed as the term killer is. Mosier gets it right with the homicidal description of those that face violent temptations but do not act. Are you gay if you have gay thoughts? Gay in my mind is defined by oneself. Its fluid like racial identity.

  5. Croft Says:

    What is the song that starts around the 23 minute mark and ends at about the 25 minute mark? I heard it in another SModcast (I think one of the ones from December) and forgot to ask.

  6. berserker Says:

    I agree with MG. But this was a great smodcast. Always is.

  7. Dumbsaint Says:

    On the whole nature of gay-ness thing – I didn’t agree with I’ve always thought claiming gay as a choice actually gave it more power as a legitimate lifestyle. The whole ‘I didn’t choose to be gay’ has always sounded pitiful, and is as good as saying “if I had a choice, I wouldn’t be this way”.

    Truth is I couldn’t tell you if it was a choice or my nature but I have a great life as a fag, so given the choice – fuck yea 🙂

    Unrelated-ly: at least other people are sharing my manic desire to find and love of that Matt Berry track. I did exactly the same as Bryce above.

  8. Regan Says:

    Kev – huge fan, but I’m a little upset you haven’t dedicated a full Smodcast to the life of George Carlin… A bit suprised man!

  9. ashley Says:

    Oh my god, that opening song was soooooooo amazing. it sends shivers down my spine. where does ken find these gems?

  10. Peter J. Says:

    “This is a party, not a safari.”

  11. Michael Says:

    I loved the Rocketeer

  12. Kevin Says:

    Malcolm isn’t being greedy about recieving oral, he’s actually just giving away life force!

  13. Seth Says:

    Kevin, your understanding of gayness are completely askew. First, can we all note how fucking ludicrous it is to compare us queers to murderers? Please, bitch.

    The real lesson of this is that it’s not ANYONE’S right to “label” people gay or straight, whether they’re kids or adults. I knew I was gay before I’d held a dick that wasn’t mine. Just like you knew you were straight before you’d had a lick of strange. “Curiosity” is the term for being potentially interested but not having yet acted – being definitively interested in the same sex means you are gay. “Leaning” is what you do on a fence or a brick wall, just like “Oriental” is a rug. Time to rid yourself of these old-ass terms, Kevin.

    Again, it’s not your place to tell people whether they’re gay, straight, bi, or transsexual.

  14. ashley Says:

    i doubt Kevin wanted to offend anyone who’s gay with the stupid analogy, after all, his brother is gay. I don’t agree that you have to do something to be classified as gay or straight though, thats ridiculous. remember the crushes you had when you were a kid? did those not give an indication of your orientation? and yeh, i hate hate hate the term ‘oriental’. I’m Australian, though i do have American family who use the term. I see it as being on par with ‘coloreds’. it’s just so old-fashioned, and makes people sound ignorant (at least to me) when they use it.

  15. Danny Says:

    You don’t have to act on your urges in order to be gay. The definition of a homosexual is one who is attracted to those of the same gender, whereas the definition of a murderer is one who has commited murder.

  16. John Nisbet Says:

    Wow – heavy debate, and I can’t wait to hear the rest of #55! I had to pause the SModcast, though – can anybody tell me how far to fast forward so that Kev stops spoiling WALL-E?!? I mean, dammit man, the movie opened this weekend! Otherwise, much love…

    – Johnny

  17. Bryan Miller Says:

    I actually want to thank Kevin for the WALL-E, Spoilers, I live 200 miles away from a movie theater, so this might be the only way I can see the movie, until it’s out on DVD. I’m hoping Kevin will also Spoil The Dark Knight and maybe even any of his future films, so I can talk it up with the cool kids. That being said, I hope Kevin doesn’t give fake spoilers, and fuck up my reputation, by telling me things that don’t happen in the films.

  18. Rick A. Says:

    Kevin, you ignorant slut. ;^)

    You inadvertently pushed that old right-wing myth about Lincoln being in the Republican party. It’s true that Lincoln was a Republican, but the Republican party of his day was more like the Democrats of today. They were liberal. This statement is made to mislead people into thinking that Lincoln’s politics were more in line with the conservative Republicans of today, but they were not. Seriously, does it make any sense that a *conservative* party would want freedom for slaves mandated from the federal government? That runs counter to everything conservatives believe (or claim to.)

    This is like that old myth about how more Republicans than Democrats supported civil rights in the 50s and 60s. That’s true. There *were* a lot of racists in the Democratic party in the 50s and 60s, but those anti-civil rights Democrats got tired of the infighting over civil rights and broke away to form the Dixiecrats (led by Strom Thurmond) the members of which eventually joined up with the modern-day Republicans.

    Please do your best not to pass along any of these right-wing revisionist versions of history, even if it comes from a relatively innocuous source like Pat Boone. I would like to think that Abraham Lincoln would have nothing to do with the corrupt bastards in the Republican party of today.

  19. Nick Says:

    Just listening to the SMOD and thought I would offer up a thought on Coke. You can get Coke made with real sugar in just about any latin gracery, even up here in the midwest.

    And in my opinion, Coke with real sugar is so much better. It is less sweet, but has the refreshing taste that you lose to sticky sweetness of corn syrup. I highly recommend it to everyone!

  20. Tony from AntiSocial Commentary Says:

    I first learned of the Butz quote in journalism class back in college. It was a lesson on when and how to run verbatim quotes that contained profanity. Nearly all media outlets chose to obscure the “dirty” words.

    Also, no one leaked it to the press (neither Dean nor Boone). Butz’s quote was overheard by a reporter who was sitting behind him.

    Finally, Kevin’s outrage over the term “colored” is somewhat misplaced. This was the early ’70s and that was the generally accepted term for African Americans at the time. The racial term timeline essentially flows like this:

    Slavery to the 1950s: Negroes
    1950s to early 1970s: Colored
    Late 1960s: Black
    Mid-1970s: Afro-American and/or Black
    Late 1970s to early 1990s: Black
    Mid-1990s to today: African American and/or Black

    So, the reportage of that particular term shouldn’t be too shocking to the system, Kev.

    Anyway, rock on.

  21. F&^*in' Jay Says:

    SMODCast discovers cultural relativism in Papua New Guinea…
    You guys should dedicate a whole show to your thoughts on cultural relativism. I think it would be an eye-opening experience for Kevin to have an (as always) open-minded discussion about different cultural values which seem strange to people from Western cultures.
    Just a thought! (Have a week!)

  22. Nosoulboy Says:

    Good cast… Good intro/outro song… Could someone please send it/a link/anything about it. I did a huge search for it as well… couldn’t find it anywhere… 😛
    Thanks for the great cast 🙂

  23. Art Says:

    Jesus Christ.
    I can’t believe Carlin is gone.
    I had no clue until I listened to this cast.
    Jesus I’m really down.

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