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Your TextSModcast is the meandering palaver of a pair of dudes whose voices are so dull, they don’t deserve to be on the radio (and, hence, aren’t). Kevin Smith and Scott Mosier are SModcast.The best thing about SModcast? It don’t cost nothing.


SModcast 54: SModder’s Day –

In which, fittingly, our heroes talk about childish things.

[CONTENT WARNING] SModcast features harsh language and even harsher notions of propriety. Listener discretion is advised.

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SModcast 54 (MP3 format) – 50.87 MB


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Comments: 165 Comments

165 Responses to “SModcast 54”

  1. Bobaah Says:

    a “Zack and Miri” special “ZModcast” would be awesome, although it would most definately be work, unless you didn’t talk about the film and just had the whole cast on the mic talkin shit.

  2. rhett Says:

    i stumbled across this board cos i download smodcast from here instead of itunes. I have to say i’m kinda disturbed by the number of people who seem to consider themselves Kevin and Scott’s personal friends. Don’t kill yourselves, but i’m pretty sure they don’t give a flying f*#% about u beyond the standard entertainer/audience relationship. You all fight with each other and pretend you have Kevin on your side with comments like- ‘I’m pretty sure Kev would….’ and ‘what would Kev do?’
    Simultaneously hilarious and depressing.

  3. Greg Says:


    I appreciate you mixing it up with Harley for Father’s Day, but if YOU’RE yawning doing the SModcast (at least three times by my count), how do you think we will feel about it? Maybe this should have been left in the private collection…

    Besides all that, thank you for doing SModcast, it really breaks up my work week.


  4. vigilantenumber9 Says:

    some very interesting comebacks people.

    1. if you dont have something nice to say….. . are you serious? this is the best you can offer? so, unless i have something positive to say i cant offer up criticism? is this some orwell world you live in? are we not allowed to use our right to speak freely? you are a classic moron. your right and ability to speak should be taken away.

    2. i earlier stated that most people here act like they speak for kevin smith and are a bunch off human wet wipes. the reply i got was ‘well go make a movie and well criticize you’. again, you too are a moron. at no point did was i critical of kevin smith. i happen to enjoy his work, hence my listening to his smodcast. i merely take umbridge with the army that seems to be amassing that cannot see what sad pathetic creatures they are becoming. its okay to not like something from time to time. but i get the feeling that if kevin smith crapped in his hand flung it at your living room wall (or your parents living room wall) you would stand there and go ‘ genius kevin. snoogins’.

    3. ‘dont complain, its free’ my neighbor has a dog that craps alot. please give me your address so i can mail you some. its free.

    4. trying to engage in conversation that doesnt kiss someones ass isnt bitching. its how you grow as people. it doesnt make you a hater. im not a hater, im a buddhist. but i speak honestly. and i dont care if my opinion doesnt mean anything, in the end none of these do. its just a conversation. and its free.

  5. Bjorn Tusmod Says:

    I enjoyed the smodcast but i have to say, i listen to it with my ipod on the train and man, i had to take off the earphones like 10 times. Harley was cute as hell and I applaud Kev for being such a presence in his daughters life, but her screaching killed my ears.

  6. justarandomgirl Says:

    I can’t believe anyone would complain about the Father’s Day SModcast. It was one of the best ever!

  7. rigger please. Says:

    my very first comment was deleted. Weld that power, meter maid of the internet.

  8. rigger please. Says:

    Annoyed by the laughter of a child. Awful.

  9. Claus kanstrup Says:

    good smodcast.. Haley should do cartoons with that cute voice ^^ hee hee hee

    have a week

  10. Simon Says:

    listened to the podcast a little late… BUT:

    @Harley: Do not believe what your father says about “Dachshund” (or at least about the pronounciation of it) 😉

    Over here in Germany, no one calls a “Dachshund” a “Dachshund” anymore (it a VERY OLD word, you know?) – today everyone says just “Dackel” (prounounce it like the verb “to chuckle” with a “d” in the beginning – like “duckle”.

  11. Wayne Deadder Says:

    My God, could that kid be any cuter?

    “Hey random hihschool girl,I made you a mixed tape.”

    “Oh Jennifer, you look so dashing”. Adorable.

  12. ralasinchaisnAKA The HTML PIMP Says:


  13. joebo Says:

    my god. you bishes should just lay off.

    its the man’s child on fathers day for freak sake.

  14. antonio Says:

    a docter i cant remember the name of the docter but hes very famis a german and its caled plastanization in witch they get dead bodies and in gect them with a plastic substance and over monts to years they form and put them int o posishons

  15. Some Guy Says:

    I just re-listened the entire SModcast catalog and this one still holds up as the least enjoyable in the series. Kevin, I’m glad that you enjoy spending time with your kid but please don’t burden the rest of us with it, we don’t give a fuck. Maybe once she gets a bit older and can speak normal human language, sure, but until then keep these things to yourself.

    Beyond that, I love SModcast and very much appreciate the fact that you do it at all.

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