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Your TextSModcast is the meandering palaver of a pair of dudes whose voices are so dull, they don’t deserve to be on the radio (and, hence, aren’t). Kevin Smith and Scott Mosier are SModcast.The best thing about SModcast? It don’t cost nothing.


SModcast 53: Meat Curtains –

In which our heroes talk about beef. Lots.

[CONTENT WARNING] SModcast features harsh language and even harsher notions of propriety. Listener discretion is advised.

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Comments: 62 Comments

62 Responses to “SModcast 53”

  1. madonnaneedsacumbath Says:

    Oh yeah, Ken rules!

  2. random_Latvian Says:

    no new smod this week?

  3. w0bzzy Says:

    Where’s the new SMod, Kev? 🙁

  4. Michael Says:

    Come on! Put up 54!!

  5. toyotaboy Says:

    Kevin! yes you can still buy steak-umm’s, and they’re just as good as when I was a kid (and they still come wrapped between wax paper). I can find them at my local Mjier’s grocery store, but here’s a list of where you can get them:

  6. Allan Says:

    I’ve never commented on anything Kevin Smith related online, and I love your productions, movies, and sundry materials, and having recently heard about SModcast, I thought this would be an interesting, un-edited offering which I assumed would be terrifically entertaining. But man, I was shuddering the entire time at this orgy of misinformation. Obviously you’re not going for informational programming, but if I can just suggest, go read Michael Pollin’s “Omnivore’s Dilemma” which deals with everything you’re talking about at length and in depth. And for the record, beef is cow protein (muscle), grain creates fat marbling which melts and flavors meat when heated (hence Japanese Wagyu or Kobe beef, which is cut from cows that are fed grain and beer; filet mignon is almost never cooked to more than 120 degrees because it lacks fat, and is often surrounded in bacon because of the same reason), cows do only eat grass (and are called ruminants for doing so), but are not native to the Americas, whose ruminant species was always the Buffalo, and pig’s belly is cured with salt, and usually in America, smoked, to make bacon.

    You guys are awesome. But feel free to look into the plethora of source material on this question if you’re interested.

  7. Harvey Says:

    The USDA defines bacon as “the cured belly of a swine carcass” ha ha ha, I love SModcast, Hate bacon.

  8. Brent Says:

    Allan – I’ve you’ve listened to this podcast for any length of time, you would know that Mos has read “Omnivore’s Dilemma” and has mentioned it a number of times. Obviously, this doesn’t mean anything he’s said on the podcast is factually correct, but he has read it.

  9. Ehzzz Says:

    I would like to add a bit to what “crash crawford”

    He said:
    bull= adult fertile male
    steer= castrated male
    cow= adult female( and namesake)
    heifer=unbred female
    veal= calf never fed grains or hay(grass) milk fed only

    I say:
    Calves: Baby cattle (mentioned above, but not explained)

    So a bull is a male kept to breed. Usually chosen for its superior traits above other male cattle. He is put in a pen with a bunch of ladies and has his way with them, then is moved to a new pen and has his way with them etc.

    Steers are where we get most our meat. They are often castrated by having heavy rubber bands tied around their balls, which squeeze them until they fall off. then we fatten them up and have hamburgers…yum!

    Cows are valued for their ability to a. make calves (baby cattle)and their ability to lactate! Then we get to vacuum it from their teats and make cheese, White Russians and chocolate milk…yum!

    That is all I wanted to add.

  10. Chelsea Says:

    I have a couple things to add:

    -First, with the whole slaughter house thing, they stun the steers inbetween the eyes first, so I’d say they are pretty unaware of what happens after that point. Interesting tidbit, I worked at a slaughter house last summer, Superior Farms, which process sheep and goats, and they actually use trained sheep to lead the whole lot to the kill floor and up the ramp. Once the first couple sheep start going the rest follow, and the lead sheep will fall back as to avoid an untimely death.

    -Secondly, as far as cattle being self-aware and what not, most cattle are somewhat intelligent. From my years of working with Black Angus, I would say their intelligence levels are equal to the canines’. [At least the cattle I have worked with] Most have different personalities and quirks.

  11. Clive Says:

    Wow, Scott doesn’t know shit about cattle! This discussion reeks of Helen Keller..cattle prefer grass over grain?? lol, I think somebody’s been smoking that grass.

  12. Taylor Costello Says:

    Major props go out to Ken for putting Paul McCartney’s ‘Coming Up’ in during Kevin’s bowel movement story. haha, brilliant.

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