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Your TextSModcast is the meandering palaver of a pair of dudes whose voices are so dull, they don’t deserve to be on the radio (and, hence, aren’t). Kevin Smith and Scott Mosier are SModcast.

The best thing about SModcast? It don’t cost nothing.


SModcast 47: Destroy All Monsters –

In which our heroes are visited by a special guest, discuss disturbing defecation, inadvertently brag about the size of a shower, puzzle over plumbing, and muse (or Mewes) about a movie that might’ve been.

[CONTENT WARNING] SModcast features harsh language and even harsher notions of propriety. Listener discretion is advised.

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SModcast 47 (MP3 format) – 49.02 MB


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Comments: 172 Comments

172 Responses to “SModcast 47”

  1. Brooke Copeland Says:

    About Episode 46:

    My dad, who is from Alabama moved to Mill Valley California a couple of years ago and started dating this woman from Australia who lived there too. After they were dating for a while they noticed that their teeth were crooked in the exact same way on the bottom, and that they had some other similarities, so they started looking into her family tree, and it turned out that they are 4th cousins. Her great grandfather married into our family. They immediately broke up and don’t speak anymore. Personally, I find that to be fucking hillarious. And gross…
    Damned Australians and their incest….

  2. Ned Smitty Says:

    Here’s a thought. I’m not in California, so, I don’t know, but, when is the San Diego Comicon? Could that be a possible reason why there was a week off from SMod? No big either way, I know they’ll get one up when they get one up, just curious, because of the ones that are spazzing already.

  3. Eddie Says:

    Continuing about 46…

    A girl I dated in high schools’ parents were 1st cousins, blood relation, no step or halves involved. They left the state, married, and returned. They are happy together, however the 3 children have different stories. Here they are, in no order.

    1: As an adult, one of their children have juvenile onset diabetes, as I’m told, this is extremely rare to appear as an adult. Compulsive, bipolar disorder.
    2: Congenital heart failure, as well as too many other problems to discuss here. Died very young.
    3: Appeared autistic.

    I remember in high school we drew up a family tree, I think she was excused from that particular assignment, due to lack of branches.

  4. Link Says:

    What would you rather have?

    a) A 24 hour smod-fest (to the point of exhaustion where Kevin and Scott finally collapse and fall asleep together) followed by a 5 month hiatus…


    b) Smodcast every week, on time, but only for an hour.


  5. Celorfin Says:

    Despite the tempting homo-erotic subtext of option a I’m gonna have to vote for a regular SModcast.

  6. Bryce Jones Says:

    We gonna get a SModcast this week? I plead and beg for a new one. I would have loved one for my multiple flights I had last week but to my disappoint no smodcast was waiting for me.

  7. Alex Says:

    I am going to wildly affirm that we WILL have a SModcast this week. No doubt about it, even though I have nothing to go on here.

  8. Darth Mallrat Says:

    “I was killed by a frozen piece of shit”

    lmfao….that was priceless.

  9. BillyBob Says:

    I’m putting all my hope on what you said Alex

  10. Peter Says:

    SModcast please

  11. gillian Says:

    Im thinking that after hour 10, they might run out of stuff to talk about and will have to convert to some song breaks. And bathroom/food breaks. My vote is for the on time smodcasts. In fact, Ill be fine as long as there are at least 2 smodcasts a month and they stay free.. They’re doing this show out of the goodness of their hearts, I assume, and aren’t asking for anything in return. Alas, we are creatures of habit and it is the best and possibly funniest podcast out there so I can dig the frustration when it dosen’t come out every week. I guess thats all I have to say

  12. scott Says:

    i guess no smodcast this week either 🙁

  13. Kevin Says:

    Based on what? That its not even Monday for another twenty minutes? I think the only time you can rest assure there’s no new one for the week is Tuesday morning.

  14. steve Says:

    i think it’s gonna happen…

  15. scott Says:

    think not

  16. Jason Says:

    Just catching up on my Smodcasts so this response is a little late. Aneorexia is an eating disorder in which one starves themselves to the point of malnutrition because a distorted perseption of their own weight. For example, a girl who is 100 pounds may perceive her physical appearance to reflect a person of 200 pounds. What your cousin had is Bulimia. This is the act of Binging and purging during which one will binge on food, usually junk food, and purge themselves prior to digestion by inducing vomiting. A less common practice of the same disease is to take massive amounts of laxitives which will cause a speedy digestion preventing calories from being absorbed.
    Also there is a Lisbon, Ohio which is far less exiting than Lisbon Portugal.

  17. Jason Says:

    A toilet flushes by creating a sealed vacum between the water in the tank and the water in the bowl. The water in the bowl is connected to both the sewer pipe and the tank. It is held in the bowl by the suction in the tank. When the water is released in the tank the vacum is broken causing a rapid drop in pressure and forcing the water into the sewer. It spins, just as all falling liquid spins, counter clock-wise due to our position north of the equator. All liquid south of the equator spins clock-wise. A microwave works by sending “Microwaves” into the object being heated which causes the molecules of water in the food to rapidly move back and forth. This rapid movement causes a release of heat which in turn heats the food. Basicly the food boils at a molecular level which is why anything that can splater does splatter. This is also why alot of food coming out of the microwave seems soggy because this rapid boiling causes alot of moisture to be released which lands on the surface of the food being heated.
    I know……..I am a wordy mother fucker but I’m informative.

  18. scott Says:

    check out aicn, there doing a donnie darko sequel, i donit care if kevin does a commentary track, i refuse to accept its existance

  19. patrick Says:

    The toilet works based on the concept of siphoning. This is why your sink faucet/spigot or tub faucet/spigot cannot touch the collected water or “grey water” in the bowl or basin. The siphon effect would cause dirty water to enter into the clean water source (they have an additional drains in sink/tub basins to prevent this).

    See the attached link explaining how the toilet works: http://www.howstuffworks.com/toilet2.htm

    Kevin, quit shoving your shit down the shower drain! Once you do this, you’re changing what is considered the less contaminated “grey water” (requiring less treatment @ sewerage plant a.k.a. can be used to water your plants) into completely contaminated “black water” aka diseased water.

    Good on ya!

  20. Phill Says:

    I would definitely fork out some hot change for “Jay & Silent Bob meet Pinhead” or “Jay & Silent Bob & Michael Meyers”.

  21. Rob Says:

    Big difference between living in Nova Scotia, and becoming a Newfie.
    Those pompous mainlanders could never be Newfies, no matter how hard they try.

    And it’s pronounced New-fin-land, as opposed to New-finlind, or New-foundlin.

  22. bethany ann nicholass Says:

    hi kevin
    i know this is a old SMod but i think that although a film version of jay and silent bob meets pinhead or other movie monsters i think there is definatly a crowd who would love to see it as a comic or grafic novel?

    ~bethany ann nicholass

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