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by Christopher Stipp

I wish those of you who are going to see BORAT this weekend, and are excited to be doing so after being seduced by the slew of advertisements that assaulted network television in the past weeks, could be doing so without knowing anything about this movie.

borat-01.jpgIf you saw this movie cold like I did, only having a general idea of the film but willing to stampede my fellow nerd cohorts to be at the screening at the San Diego Comic-Con almost 4 months ago, then I could honestly state that this movie would’ve clocked you like a sucker punch. As it stands, however, a lot of you are a warmed to the notion of what you’re getting into and the kind of material that’s present in the flick itself; I am woefully disappointed, as well, that many outlets deemed it fine to release images of The Running of The Jew, thereby spoiling the visual hilarity. That’s alright, though, as this movie still manages to raze any glass temples of those comedies you thought were the paragons of film humor. BORAT demolishes your crap taste in what you believed was funny and happily replaces it with the catchphrases you’ll be mouthing for weeks to come. Lord knows my 3-year old daughter loves to say “Hiiiigh-Fiiiive” and “Thaaaat’s Niccceee…” in a way that only a geek dad like me could be proud of.

That said, I am happy that after contacting Fox Online Publicity regarding really getting behind this film and doing everything I could in order to be a preacher for the religion that is BORAT finally was answered. Today. This morning. I knew if I just stayed with it, if I just showed how much of a fan I was for this crazy Kazakh after only one viewing, if I only mentioned that I could’ve pimped this film every week from July to November, that good things would come of it. I am glad at what I am now able to present to you.

No interview means more to me right now than being able to give the masses, the teeming thousands of you, an EXCLUSIVE look into the world of BORAT and get answers to a very special edition of “10 Quick Questions With…” to Quick Stop Entertainment. Ladies, gentlemen and everything else in-between, I present: Borat.


KEN PLUME: Do you have any comment at all about Bruno, an individual who has just scored a 42 million dollar paycheck from Universal, is going to be developing a movie based on a show that looks suspiciously close to what you do?



KEN PLUME: And, a follow-up, how do you feel about Austrians in general?



KEN PLUME: Your English is remarkably polished for a man that comes from a country where formal education doesn’t seem to be a priority. How did you get a grip on the basic Anglo particulars of the world outside of a totalitarian regime?



KEN PLUME: Some people have leveled some pretty serious allegations that your quest across America has shown a lot of your subjects to be poor representations of Americans in general and that you purposely selected targets to get the greatest comedic reaction. How do respond to that?



KEN PLUME: Looking at the movie now what do you think is the starkest realization you can make about what this film represents?



KEN PLUME: What was like trying to convince Larry Charles to go along with you on this journey of yours and was there any hesitation on his part to get involved in this production?



KEN PLUME: What kind of frustrations did you have to overcome in order to be able shoot the kind of film you wanted with the money you had and was there any give-and-take with managing your needs with the needs of the studio?



KEN PLUME: Why do you think people, even I, are having a visceral reaction to this film’s material in general?



KEN PLUME: I am amazed by the groundswell of interest this movie has garnered as the film’s release date has come closer but do you think that your job, as an artist, is to simply reflect what you see or was there a germ in your mind about what you suspected you’d find when you plotted this film’s progression from pre-production to post?



KEN PLUME: Kazakhstan is situated right above Uzbekistan, the site for one of the bloodiest anti-government protests in Central Asia, hundreds of innocent people literally mowed down by government forces as the nation’s dictator, Islam Karimov, gave the directive to do so. Uzbekistan is enjoying the benefits of working with the United States by allowing detainees to be “interrogated” and “questioned,” and no doubt tortured, on Uzbek soil. Do you think Kazakhstan has the huevos to step up, do what’s right, one-up those Uzbekian lightweights and show them what oppression really means?



We’d like to thank Fox Online Publicity for all of their help in setting up this interview.


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