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Your TextSModcast is the meandering palaver of a pair of dudes whose voices are so dull, they don’t deserve to be on the radio (and, hence, aren’t). Kevin Smith and Scott Mosier are SModcast.The best thing about SModcast? It don’t cost nothing.


SModcast 64: Farewell and Adieu –

In which one of our heroes cheats certain death, and the other one is Kevin.

[CONTENT WARNING] SModcast features harsh language and even harsher notions of propriety. Listener discretion is advised.

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SModcast 64 (MP3 format) – 70.85 MB


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Comments: 138 Comments

138 Responses to “SModcast 64”

  1. Ryan2 Says:


    I suppose you’d have a point if the reason was somewhere along the lines of “You know, I just bought Breakin’ 2: Electric Boogaloo and I can’t be bothered to get out of bed this week”… but it isn’t. These guys are trying to promote a movie.

  2. The not so silent Bob Says:

    I too hate the fact that Smodcast isn’t here like clockwork, but I would like to take this post to ask a question of the other posters. Please tell me why you post “first” and other forms of idiocy before you even listen to the pod? Who cares if you’re first, more than that why do you want to be first to comment on a pod without a comment? The Nazi’s were the first to attempt to build a master race but that doesn’t make them right either. So in my mind the next first I see will be equal to first Hitler, the first gay hating, jew killing, closet homo Hitler. s’ok with you? good.

  3. B² Says:

    Not so silent Bob gave me the mental image of Mark David Chapman shooting John Lennon and yelling “FIRST!”

  4. i'minu Says:

    started loosing my shit at the title. i stated, to my roommate ” this is fucking bullshit, they can’t do this, it’s the best god damn podcast show !!!” i couldn’t wait for the download so i checked this site, and now i feel sorry for wanting to cut off your cocks and feed them to you. so thanks guys

  5. SteveDave Says:


  6. k Says:

    So i was listening to this at work last night and besides getting evil glares for laughing my ass off, my boss also looked at me questioningly for saying its called brackish water out loud. thanks for making my night go by quickly….

  7. deadapostle Says:

    Did The not so silent Bob just relate people who say “first” with the Nazis? Listen, nutso silent Bob. First of all, eugenics has been practiced for millenia. Why do you think royalty has always intermarried? The Nazis weren’t the first people to try to build a master race by a long shot. Secondly, the people who post “first” aren’t evil. They probably didn’t get spanked enough by their mothers, and are still constantly crying for attention. They are the type of loser that simply has to try anything to achieve what they might perceive to be a win.

  8. Lee Throne Says:

    You know guys I know this is free, and maybe I say this because I am a lazy ass, But you have been doing infrequent shows lately. I know its free but I have two words for you…..Come on! Come on! Come on!

  9. Marble Says:

    What about how on Jens blog she said that Scott was there all day last week and they recorded multiple Smods…

  10. Alex Says:

    Who this seth rogen should be on here with Kev?

  11. B² Says:

    It’s written in one of the apocryphal Hebrew texts that God created a man before he created Adam, but when that man woke up, he immediately yelled “FIRST!!” and God smote him in his wrath.

  12. Taryn Says:

    fo sho. those guys seem to have great chemistry together. i’m sure a smod with those two would be awesome and a half.

  13. Abomb1978 Says:

    Hey guys, look forward to the new cast and expect more laughs.
    Listening to the casts of before you have covered many topics both sometimes that were really thought provoking and others that made me go wtf!?
    If I may put forward a topic of discussion, what are your views on North Korea and South Korea and if/when they should get back together and unite again. Being a teacher in the area i’m curious what a couple of people from the states think on the subject.
    And being a Canadian, just want to say 2 words: DOUBLE DOUBLE!

  14. Ali Says:

    Gah! i need a new smodcast! Snoooooogins!!!1

  15. shorty monter Says:

    Just watch the money shots and entertain yourself with those for now good people. I’m sure that Smitty and The Mose will be back soon to fill our heads with profanity and strange situations that devolve into requests for man on man oral sex.

  16. Dax Says:


  17. theotherbilly Says:


  18. Kevin Says:


  19. The not so silent Bob Says:

    I believe you are confusing eugenics with royal bloodlines. Royal breeding if you would is in an attempt to keep the line of succession secure. Not to create a master race. Ethnic cleansing, forced breeding to create a social ideal that the perpetrator could not live up to(d’oh)that is what the study of eugenics is about see also Wikipedia. Perhaps somewhere along the lines this was practiced in ancient times, but not nearly to the scale or the horror that the Nazi’s attempted. I stand by my statement First = Hitler. evil or poor misguided fucks I’m fine with it either way.

  20. B² Says:

    I think what deadapostle is trying to say is that the Nazis were like people who post FIRST! on comment threads but in fact they’re like the 6th or 7th comment. So, like, initially they’re all, “We rule!” but then when reality hits them they realize what putzes they actually are.

  21. Zer00 Says:


    God I feel dirty

  22. Phirst Says:


  23. porle Says:

    Hey Guys,

    I came across this shark knife while browsing today, and I instantly recalled smodcast 64.

    Looks like its safe to go back in the water 😉



  24. Bryan Says:

    Loved the new one. Stay away from sharks Scott, they are Godless killing machines. Kevin, maybe let Scott sneak the dog off with him the next time he wants to surf. Send in the weak prey to get away? Added bonus, they will stop barking during the SMod.

  25. B² Says:


    That knife is awesome. Kevin would be able to cut his throat with it when the sharks came and hardly feel a thing!

  26. Alexander Says:

    Hot damn. When will there be a new one? These dudes must be pretty busy with the flick.

  27. Alex Says:

    new smod tonight?

  28. Ryan2 Says:

    Tonight at midnight.

  29. JoAnn Says:

    sweet can’t wait. just a couple of more hours. I am incredibly ready to listen to their oh so fabulous voices.

  30. Ryan2 Says:

    I’m not sure what midnight we’re talking about though… could be 3 am EST by the time it’s out.

  31. Nathan Says:

    It’s Midnight EST. They usually post it around 8 PM PST.

  32. Alex Says:

    almost time

  33. setstage Says:

    so for sure theres a new one at midnight pst?

  34. Kevin M. Says:

    guess not

    and it occurred to me while i was re-listening to the old ones that kev and scott have only done three recording sessions in the past two and a half months

    for the love of smod, please do more

  35. Danny Says:


  36. 80's Mr T. Says:

    You too cool for school, fool!


  37. Tim Says:

    Whoa, you totally threw me for a loop when my old Itunes subscription stopped updating. All month I’ve been like, Where the fuck are those lazy bastards?!
    Apparently you just moved.

    Keep up the great work guys, Tim

  38. Sean Campbell Says:

    I just have to say that if I, a (reluctant) SC resident, had known that you had come to USC, then you sir would have had at least one halfway decent question asked of you.

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