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What happens when two young men let their love of movies, comic books, and all things “geek” take over their lives? They run away from their families, bringing only the most essential DVDs and comics to their secret, highly fortified underground bunker in sunny Southern California, where they start recording podcasts that will change the world.

Are they heroes?


Are they geniuses?

Far from it.

Are they the future of this planet?

I sure hope not.

Simply put… Matt Cohen and Jesse Rivers are “Bagged and Boarded”.


BAGGED & BOARDED #2: The Sheening – In Which Matt and Jesse discuss the delicate subject of sex (very delicately), FINAL CRISIS, Lars Von Trier, and are paid an imaginary visit from Alan Moore, Jimmy Moore… and Dracula. The bus to hilarity town has arrived, folks. All Aboard…

[CONTENT WARNING]: This podcast may contain some foul language and horribly off-color jokes. Don’t say we didn’t warn you.

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Episode #02 (MP3 format)


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Comments: 12 Comments

12 Responses to “Bagged & Boarded 2: The Sheening”

  1. Jose Says:

    I thought your first one was hilarious. Don’t worry about the sensitive idiots. It’s the internet, its all a bunch of people with nothing better to do than complain. Keep up the the good work.


  2. mattcohen Says:

    Thanks sir,

    That Race classification error? Oh, get ready for tons more. Again, least informed podcast ever

  3. Tyler Says:

    I was deeply, DEEPLY offended by the last episode. Please make it a point to specifically apologize to me in the next podcast. I’ll agree to listen to that one for my shout out, but then I’m done. Good day sirs.

    But for reals, liked the first two, keep em coming and ill keep listening. Wonder how many listens you guys will get from people thinking this is the new Smodcast. They’ll turn it on, listen up to the “Fuck Ariel” part, and turn it off. Your Biggest (but probably not) fan, Tyler.

  4. Nina Says:

    You guys are awesome!
    The cockney accent just cracked me up so bad, ha ha!

    And yeah there’s always gonna be a bunch of people who make noise about being offended by something or other…you aren’t going to please everyone!

    Well for what it’s worth, I can’t wait for the next podcast!

  5. JesseRivers Says:

    “And yeah there’s always gonna be a bunch of people who make noise about being offended by something or other…you aren’t going to please everyone!”

    Fuck ’em if they can’t take a joke.

  6. mattcohen Says:

    The opinions of Jesse do not reflect the opinions of Matt and Jesse.

    They are in Esperante

  7. Jim Vincent Says:

    I tried, but couldn’t finish this episode. I barely made it through the first episode, but this one was just too much (of nothing).

    I wasn’t offended by any of the content (other than the lame jokes), I just couldn’t take your voice anymore, Matt.

  8. mattcohen Says:

    Jim.. Give a listen to ep 3 when it is posted. I got your letter, and of course we gave you a huge shoutout!

    Thanks for being a fan (sung to theme of Golden Girls)

  9. Oz Gilead Says:

    Yo, yo, yo! What’s this about shoutouts? Yo, if you get a chance drop my name, too! I’ll send you each $50!

  10. mlcsmith Says:

    The Punisher has been a favourite of mine since I was a kid. I so badly wanted to see The Punisher movie with Dolph Lundgren back in the day, but my parents wouldn’t allow it. It’s rated R here in Australia so if you’re under 18 you can’t see it (similar to NC-17 in US) . I finally got myself a copy and was actually pleasantly surprised. I had read all the bad press about it but I didn’t care, it’s The Punisher. It more resembles the comics I knew as a kid compared to the Tom Jane version. I’m looking forward to the next film to see what they come up with this time. I’d love to know what you guys think.

    Also, I’m happy to avoid the term graphic novel, I would just like an acceptable term for a long format comic.

  11. JesseRivers Says:

    micsmith – I also love the Dolph Lundgren Punisher. There’s a bt of 80’s movies talk in episode 3. Watch for it next week.

  12. Micky Says:

    I rather enjoy you two motherfuckers.

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