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Adult Swim’s Dana Snyder and FRED’s Ken Plume set out to have a literate conversation between two pals, but inevitably devolve into a verbal, and funny, free-for-all full of bickering, infighting, and the special kind of male bonding that comes from conflict expressed through the podcast medium.

Actor/comedian/raconteur Dana Snyder, you’re certainly aware, is Aqua Teen Hunger Force’s Master Shake, Squidbillies‘ Granny, Minoriteam’s Dr. Wang, and The Venture Bros.‘ Alchemist. Available for weddings and bar mitzvahs (bat availability pending), you can keep tabs on him via his website, www.eyeofthesnyder.com.

Ken Plume is the editor-in-chief here at FRED. He is a friend of Dana’s, as well as his arch-nemesis.



KEN P.D. SNYDECAST #58: Things And Stuff – Ken & Dana return with a heated discussion about what constitutes a proper level of sharing, and then beat the discussion into the ground. And then kick it some more. They also talk about The Village People. For far too long. And then chat helms.

[CONTENT WARNING]: This podcast may contain some foul language and horribly off-color jokes. Don’t say we didn’t warn you.

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Episode #58 (MP3 format)


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Comments: 13 Comments

13 Responses to “Ken P. D. Snyde-Cast #58: Things And Stuff”

  1. Duncan Fitzgerald Says:

    Nice reward for seeing 5am, can’t wait to listen after finishing catching up with Cabin Fever. Thanks guys.

  2. Brian Says:

    Ken!? What are you actually doing? I am fascinated.

  3. Joe Says:

    No lies, I saw exactly what Dana was saying when he was talking about Ken’s lack of sharing. When Ken continued to say “things” in the previous episode, I had a feeling that his extra week of being in town meant that he was meeting with some lady he was chit-chatting with online for quite some time.

    Regardless, this was probably my favorite episode so far. I was cracking up during the entire argument. People were looking at me like I was crazy in my car. Thank you Ken and Dana. You guys are so awesome.

  4. Sam Says:

    My internet got cut temporarily this week, so I had to head to my Broseph’s house 2 towns over JUST to download this weeks episode. Good stuff as usual. Thanks guys.

  5. Myles Says:

    I cant believe Ken puts himself through this again and again, its like hes asking to get humiliated. Either way, this was a great episode.

  6. Dizzle Says:

    Ken, seriously wtf. You never give up any info, and that’s where the mystery is. Why can you not say anything? Maybe some of it isn’t interesting, but we want to know. When you never give up any info, there’s a reason for it. And no we don’t buy your BS “it’s not interesting enough” excuse.

    You’re hiding something, there’s something there you don’t want to say. Why so secretive? You may not think you’re being secretive, but when someone asks you what you’re doing, and you never give up any info, it comes off as secretive. I completely agree with Dana, and yes we all know exactly what he’s talking about.

    You have no grounds to be frustrated over this Ken. We’re the ones frustrated, because when someone asks a simple question, you can never give a straight, direct answer.

    Suck it up, stop being so self loathing thinking your life is so mundane that no one wants to here about it. Cause we do. Remember, had you been straight from the beginning, none of this would be happening.

  7. Ross Says:

    You guys are hilarious.

  8. Jeff Says:

    “We’re the ones frustrated, because when someone asks a simple question, you can never give a straight, direct answer. ”

    Yeah, this really sums everything up.

    Great show, but it was painful to start out. It seems like Ken got this boost of confidence and wanted to make sure that its not just the Snydecast, and the Ken. P goes before it all with the constant voices and the attempts to over shadow Dana, but when he gets called on it he just goes back into a hole.
    Or maybe what I am guessing is Ken really just lives in front of a computer in piles of dvds and elf swords.
    He doesn’t want to talk about his boring life, but we are treated to an endless, What kind of Buffets do you like Dana? bit.

  9. Charles Says:

    Ken, you remind me of a good friend that I have. A good 10 out of 15 times when I ask him something he will just give a non answer. Then he goes out and buys the iPhone just to not answer it just like he does in person. For every 5 calls I send to him I get one reply and they are always short.

    The times he does actually let me in on what’s going on, it isn’t something to be ashamed of. However, he hides it like he’s the CIA and I’m the Kremlin during the Cold War. He tells me “stuff” when all he needed to tell me was “I’m looking up blank on blank website.” Nothing dirty, just regular information that I always tell him about. I’d prefer he just tell me to shut up and quit asking than to just leave it at “stuff.”

    I think Ken should stop downplaying his importance on this show. I’m sure most people stumbled onto this show because of Dana and his Adult Swim work. However, the reason I keep listening to this podcast is that I feel like I get to hear a genuine conversation between two good friends. Despite all of your bickering. I know the podcast wouldn’t be as good without Ken’s input. I’d suggest you let a little more show Ken. The podcast isn’t just about Dana. If you choose to keep secretive just give us all a forceful “screw off.”

    Good Job.

  10. Jordan Says:

    That was great. I’m gonna go now and do some “things”.

  11. Mr. Swimcast Says:

    Good work… and nothing of value was coincidentally stolen by accident this week. 🙂

  12. Dre Says:

    FYI Ken: no one knows what the fuck “editor in cheif duties” are

  13. SomeDouche Says:

    I’m doing things. You do stuff.

    lol Ken you’re great

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