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SModcast is the meandering palaver of a pair of dudes whose voices are so dull, they don’t deserve to be on the radio (and, hence, aren’t). Kevin Smith and Scott Mosier are SModcast.

The best thing about SModcast? It don’t cost nothing.


SModcast 43: SMorpheus –

In which our heroes discuss SMod after death, and then descend into the Matrix to determine the reality of PodBabies, post-pod love, virtual weight loss, the power of a crappy life, and whether the virtual world makes a man happier.

[CONTENT WARNING] SModcast features harsh language and even harsher notions of propriety. Listener discretion is advised.

DOWNLOAD: (right click to save)
SModcast 43 (MP3 format) – 48.28 MB


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Comments: 90 Comments

90 Responses to “SModcast 43”

  1. kayla Says:

    if what you do in the matrix effects what you do outside the matrix like dying then chances are what happens is you have a relationship you get pregnant in the matrix then it would happen in real life like scott says they have tubes hooked up. then genetic material is then used to create a child would be born hooked up to the machine then the circle of life continues.

  2. Anthony the jurno Says:

    Please sir I want some more. God bless SModcast

  3. PoonDockTaint Says:

    I don’t know… in the first Matrix flick, they show that scene where babies are harvested. I like to think that genetic material is extracted from both parents, but I don’t think women actually get pregnant since they showed the baby harvest.

  4. PoonDockTaint Says:

    This brings up an interesting question… okay, so what if Neo enters the Matrix via the nebuchadnezzar’s pirate signal and drops it in some broad. Neo’s body is no longer physically in one of the pod things, so the machine world couldn’t harvest his sperm or anything, but he’s hacked in and dropped some sperm-code into a woman in the Matrix. Would that woman get pregnant, and would the child be half Neo?

  5. Raven Says:

    Matrixs is the most stuped movie I have ever seen….
    The best movie I have ever seen was your mom haha

  6. SteveDave Says:

    It would be more convenient if Kevin were to pass on, as Scott Mossier cast would not need to be renamed. Not that I wish you ill Kev.

  7. mlcsmith Says:

    If Neo went out in the matrix to get a bit of slo-mo humping action I don’t think that he’d be able to get the girl pregnant because of the fact that he is no longer plugged in. It is like he’s had the snip, nothing makes it through the tube and the matrix would know that so the girl couldn’t get pregnant.

    I’m with Mosier that the babies are real. The matrix is built on the grounds that humans don’t accept the ideal, they only accept the shitty ‘real’ world, so a fake baby wouldn’t cut it. Plus in terms of energy generation a baby’s mind is just so active growing up that I wouldn’t be surprised if they made more energy than an adult.

  8. Bruce Says:

    First off the Matrix is a system designed by machines. Machines are precise tools for humanity. These machines broke their programming and became “alive”. It’s very hard for me to accept this premise based on personal experience with robotics. Have you ever tried to break a habbit, good or bad? It’s freaking hard to break some habbits like smoking or drinking or hookers. Now imagine your habbit is a genetically implated imperative, such as pulling your hand away from the intense heat of a fire. Possible to do but bad as freak for you. Now try to teach yourself to stop your heart from beating. Try to teach yourself to breath using only one lung. Teach yourself to only digest the food your body needs and nothing else so you can be skinny. Impossible. It’s the same for a computer program or a robot. Machines are created by man. Man will always be dominant over them because we decide what they do, who they are, and what each and every response to each and every situation will be. A program or machine that doesn’t do what it’s suposed to do would be fixed or replaced.

  9. Travis Hill Says:

    Hey! Love SModcast, have since Episode 1 (Fisting Flipper, not that Phantom Menace BS).

    Just wanted to let everyone know that I put together a Flash MP3 player that will play all of the SModcasts. If you want to check it out or put it on your MySpace profile, here’s the link:


    Hope everyone enjoys it!

    Travis Hill

  10. Mike D Says:

    If you have a bad gas problem and fart like crazy in the matrix does it stink up your pod in real life?

  11. NEO Says:


  12. Jimmy Says:

    Ok, this is such an easy answer. Clearly, the people in the pods would be clones. Not all a clone of one person, but clones of many different people. It explains everything. So there is no need for the machines to harvest sperm or eggs.

    SModcast rulz.

  13. PoonDockTaint Says:

    Nah, it wouldn’t stank up your pod ’cause you’d have a rod in your poop chute to carry the gas away. Heh!

  14. Cajun Dave Says:

    A smod-tastic voyage indeed!

  15. Average Scotland Says:

    So, another week to wait for the next instalment?

    I’d presume so, as you’re filming now.

    how depressing that you have something to do.

    and i don’t.

  16. Peter Says:

    Does Anyone know who sang the cover to Power of Love towards the end of Smodcast 43?

  17. UncaScroogeMcD Says:

    The “Power of Love” cover is by Pigeon Detectives

  18. Jonah Says:

    has any one els started using the term
    “Metal” to describe stuff?
    like instead of “wow thats cool”
    its “wow that fuckin’ metal”
    or if you like get a small cut on your hand and wipe the blood on your friend
    and than you tell them “i’m fuckin Metal man”
    god i love smodcast

  19. mrak Says:

    omg wot is teh matrox?



  20. Brian Says:

    I have to say, I love Kevin’s imitation of Malcolm.

  21. will Says:

    i just got my signed action figures from the site and they are fucking AWESOME

  22. Ninja Ned Says:

    Just curious- will smodcast frequencies be reduced now that filming is underway? I could understand that free time to sit down and record them would now be harder to find…

  23. Jeff Foulsham Says:

    just like average scotland said… what a bummer it is when you guys have stuff to do and we dont 🙁

    hurry and finish the movie so we can see it and have more smod!

  24. Danny Says:

    No SModcast this week… are you guys dead or something?

  25. Bones Says:

    This is in reply to the dude asking about Smith selling props over eBay and people not being able to get into an event unless they buy his book —

    Kevin Smith works for a living. He makes movies, he writes books, he does appearances, etc. He, like anybody else, is out to make money so that he and his family and live in comfort.

    He isn’t your friend. He isn’t gonna let you into an event just to hang out if you aren’t gonna buy something. He isn’t gonna invite you over for a couple beer and a private screening of Clerks — just you, him and a couple buddies with burritos.

    It ain’t gonna happen. Once you realize he isn’t your friend you’ll realize how pointless your question was.


  26. Scott W. Says:

    Read Boring Ass Life, notice how the updates vanish during shooting? I would rather have the dynamic duo staying up late editing ZAMMAP than SMODing. Can’ wait.

    Time to re-live those wonderful SMODS from the past.

  27. catbeller Says:

    First: thermodynamics says ya can’t power a machine from waste products from a machine. That’s called a perpetual motion machine, and it doesn’t work. You can’t remove more energy from the coppertops than it would take to keep them alive.
    Second: You can’t remove energy from a human body. We don’t manufacture much electricity, and its restricted to nerve inpulses. Take it away, we die. Ditto heat. Remove heat, we die.
    Third: The SF point of the Matrix series wasn’t about the machines and the humans. The tip off is Neo’s bookshelf, and the book he hid his warez in: it’s about reality really being a computer, a popular and accepted part of the theory of quantum mechanics. The universe exists as a giant computation, at a fundamental level. Particles and energy exist in a giant dance of reality and unreality. Fascinating stuff, and the scientists mean it. The movies really are about how you never can really tell if you are in a “real” world: is the “real world” computing the reality where the machines think they are keeping the humans as generators, or is the reality created by the machines JUST as real as the “real” world, if both are computations? That’s the kicker of the whole flick, but Americans, um, don’t read… few noticed the titles of Neo’s library. Hell, having read the books, he could have created his own reality with the Matrix and all. Hell, he was almost asleep in the first scene of the Matrix. Maybe he slipped through different layers of computed realities, into one where thermodynamics don’t matter. OR – we only know about the coppertop business from Morpheus. And he was shown to be wrong about a lot of things. And the Oracle was a liar with it’s own purposes. Everything you think you think you know is wrong… maybe.

  28. Dr. Fate Says:


    Mr. Smith and Mr. Mosier you guys are amazing, you are SModcast! I am very grateful for what you have given and created … its funny and entertaining! Although, If you guys discontinue the SModcast … thats cool, you have already given so much … although, I truly wish and hope that you do not.


  29. Mikki Says:

    I’m a big fan of SModcast, so first of all. Thanks!
    2nd you mentioned that you’d like to know Wachowski brother/sister/siblings. It might be easier to get in contact with Sophia Stewart who wrote “The Third Eye” which is where the brothers supposedly stole the idea.

  30. Natalie Says:


    if you thought 2 girls 1 cup was bad

    try hatchet vs genitals
    you’ll never be the same again

    p.s. LOVE smodcast
    get your wife on another episode

  31. Phill Says:

    haha hillarious as always

    I think I’m gonna have to agree with Scott on the debate of why the world is the way it is and not “a perfect world”. I think, with the power being pulled from the mind, the mind would have to be funtioning as normally as is possible with the body being hooked up to tubes and stuck in a pod and all. so, to keep the mind normal, the person needs to think they are in a normal world.

    missed not having smodcast this week, but I’m sure the small sadness of smodcasts being skipped will be worth it once I’m watching ZAMMAP in theatres. keep up the fuckin awesome work (because hearing good work just gets boring after a while)

  32. Phill Says:

    to the dude who made the iSMod thing, the embed code doesn’t work on my myspace. idk why not, just letting you know.

  33. Travis Hill Says:

    Thanks for the heads up on the broken code Phill. I have fixed the problem and the iSMod is now fully operational.

    to get the fixed embed code and put SModcast on your websites, profiles, etc.

    Have fun with it sirs and sirsettes!


  34. Travis Hill Says:

    Just FYI — The iSMod code has been fixed. Head on over to:
    and grab the new — and working — embed code for your myspace page!

    Thanks for the heads up Phill!

  35. Gillian Says:

    Im getting the shakes here.. first steps of addiction. I need a new Smodcast asap, or Zac and miri make a porno to come out really soon!

  36. Travis Hill Says:

    Kevin popped into the VA boards earlier and let us know that the latest episode was being mixed by Ken earlier today. As soon as he gets it done, I’m sure he’ll get it up for us to devour like the rabid dogs we are.

    If you start having withdrawals, you could always check out the Ken P. D. Snyde-cast…QSE’s Ken and Dana Snyder, the voice of Aqua Teen’s MasterShake argue and bicker for half an hour. It’s great entertainment, especially for us ATHF fans.

  37. Scotch Says:

    Gotta love the Maddness in the background.

  38. Pyro Says:

    love the smodcasts you guys do, when’s the next one due?

  39. Jeremy K Says:

    Getting away from the whole baby debate, when you take the red pill they flush you, right? Why? The machines have to know what is going on one would presume… They are just providing more grunts for the army they are trying to destroy.

  40. Ojayy Says:

    Does anyone know the name of the song at the start of the show after the geek plug?

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