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Here are today’s top entertainment headlines:

  • qsnews.jpgWarner Brothers has announced that it will be producing a live action movie based on the classic 80s cartoon Thundercats.  The announcement of the movie comes only a few short weeks after it was revealed that another 80s cartoon, He-Man, would also be getting a movie.  These recent announcements have many fans of the original cartoons eagerly awaiting the movies and the chance to masturbate to a real life Cheetara and She-Ra. Because masturbating to a cartoon just makes you fell… sad.
  • Rumors abound that Britney Spears may replace Paula Abdul as a judge on the next American Idol. The last season of the show saw a noticeable ratings dip and producers are allegedly looking to change the show’s judges. Britney looks like a solid contender for the spot and even commented on the possibility by saying “I’m just as big a train wreck as Paula and I’m equally talent-less, so I think the transition would be pretty easy for everyone.” Spears went on to add, “Besides… I don’t wear underwear.”
  • Therapists across the country are upset with The Sopranos after a recent episode that featured a therapist revealing the name of a patient to guests at a diner party. To do so in real life would be a series ethical issue and a violation of patient privacy rights. Series writer David Chase responded by asking the upset therapists “so… how does that relate to the relationship with your mother?”


That’s all for today’s news, stay tuned to this channel for all the news that matters least but you still care about.

(Compiled by J. Allen)


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