Here are today’s top entertainment headlines:
- Singer Axl Rose says the LONG anticipated release of the Guns N’ Roses album Chinese Democracy will be on March 6… or maybe March 23. No, wait, probably May 16. Or perhaps July. But it might also hit stores on September 23. The four or five fans Guns N’ Roses has left have begun waiting in line at their local Wal-Marts.
- Several religious groups are upset about the new movie, Black Christmas, which is set to be released on Christmas day. The movie, a remake of a 1974 film sees a group of women being terrorized by a killer during the Christmas season. Most of the protests stem from the fact that the movie is completely un-watchable and should never have been made.
- Fall Out Boy bass player, Pete Wentz, hurt himself recently while performing a stunt for the band’s new video. The video, for the song “This Ain’t a Scene, It’s an Arms Race,†has been completed despite the fact that the video will never be seen as MTV, VH1 and Fuse no longer show music videos.
- Video game developer, Edios, has been given exclusive rights to create games for some of Warner Bros. hottest properties including the TV show The OC. A first person game is already in development that will allow players to “try and convince Mischa Barton to come to come back to the show.â€

That’s all for today’s news, stay tuned to this channel for all the news that matters least but you still care about.
(Compiled by J. Allen)
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