Hi All. My name is Sam Jaeger, and I’ll be posting a blog here on QSE about my upcoming film, Take Me Home.
“How did I luck into this,” you may ask yourself. “Who the hell does Sam Jaeger think he is,” you may quip. “Who the hell IS Sam Jaeger,” you may ultimately wonder. Pertinent questions indeed, all of which I will answer with this: I am the Sonuvabitch who gets to play Kevin Smith’s best friend in the upcoming flick Catch & Release.
Now, as you all may know, Kevin Smith is a method actor. And as such, he was adamant about becoming friends with me in order to flesh out his character. Being an actor myself, I had no choice but to comply. Thus, a great friendship was born. (Quite frankly, we hate each other with an unebbing passion, but are too committed to these characters to pull ourselves away from the “cinematic friendship” we’ve created. To further this irony, I’ve been given this blog from Kevin and Monsieur Ken Plume to rap with you all about my own film, Take Me Home. But before I do: a prologue…)
It’s Tuesday, July 11th, 2006. Another summer day comes to an end in Los Angeles, as we carefully gift-wrap our smog for neighboring Pasadena. But this evening in the City of Angels, something special is underway: the Clerks II Premiere! My lovely fiancee and I made our way to the theater in style. “The Style”, by the way, being “on foot”.
If you haven’t been to a premeire in LA, I highly recommend it. There are thousands of people dressed to look like they’re famous, looking at you to see if YOU’RE famous, deciding you’re not, and looking for people markedly more famous than you. I have no idea who these people are, but they seem to be at every premeire, regardless of whose film it happens to be. Not even a View Askew Production is safe from the aimless souls who appear at these festivities. My theory? They live under the cinemas…
But more on that later! All you give a crap about is the damn movie (and rightly so). And sadly, all I can tell you is this: you guys won’t be disappointed. No, this isn’t an Ain’t It Cool News review of Attack of the Clones; this is my honest to God opine. But what I want to mention to y’all has more to do with the Master of Ceremonies, KS. This is his show, and as such, he was quick to point out how excited he was to have his crew there. This may seem like nothing, but when you’re not a key crew member or a star here in Hollywood, you are often invited to a seperate showing. One without the key crew members or the stars. Often held in dungeons or tunnels beneath the city.
BUT, not this premiere! This is a View Askew Premiere. And here we like to have our crew members mingling with our stars and our hoards of people dressed to LOOK like stars. And this is what I dig about Kevin: he don’t forget the little people. Why? Because he knows WE’RE ALL LITTLE PEOPLE. The star of the movie, the director, the AD, the P.A., the P.A.’s P.A… we’re all a part of this weird experience called moviemaking. And THAT is exactly what this blog is about… it’s about making a movie from the ground up.
In the next few months, you’re going to see how our “Little Movie That Could” makes it off the ground. From the horribly vexing months of pre-production, through the shoot itself, and well into the editing process. Who knows? Maybe some day we’ll be at the premiere of Take Me Home, standing in a throng of people who look like famous people, happy to be among them as they stare and disregard us.
Got to dream the dream, right?
-Sam Jaeger
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