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Welcome to Hands Down, FRED’s own look into the world of the folks that frequent this sordid world of geekery. Follow Aaron, Brian and Colin (and a menagerie on the way) as they traverse the light fantastic or some such nonsense… What? It’s an online fortnightly comic strip, what kind of description did you expect?




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Written by Aaron Poole. Art by John Merker. Copyright 2010.

Comments: 10 Comments

10 Responses to “Hands Down #3”

  1. 420Experience Says:

    That was awesome!!! keep it up guys

  2. BallsMonkey Says:


  3. donkey Says:

    so awesome..

  4. John Says:

    @420 – Thank you for checking it out, and glad you enjoyed it! Much appreciated.

    @Balls – Sorry about that. Unavoidable. 🙂

    @Donkey – Danke! And thank you for commenting.

  5. Bop It! Says:

    I can’t wait until my pretty face makes an appearance…..*hint hint* I love how Brian turns into Batman…that was pretty cool. Sucks that Colin had to get smacked with a Batarang/ game controller.

  6. John Says:

    Hint taken, Bop. 🙂

  7. SomeDouche Says:

    Keep up the good work, enjoying the comic. You guys need a link to the “Hands Down” section on the site tabs on the left of the page…. or if you have one it needs to be better located so I can find it. Get harping on Ken’s ass for that!

  8. dildo mcgee Says:

    Awesome comic. Sick art John.

  9. John Says:

    @ SomeDouche – I second this idea!

    @ McGee – Many thanks. This strip (strip #3) was actually the first one drawn, and I felt I was a little rusty, but the response has been the best yet, so onwards and upwards!

  10. The Thing Says:

    Every time I see that panel with Bryan holding the Xbox controller, I crack up. I just don’t know why.

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