Oh no! Just when you thought it was safe to hang out at the Quick Stop…
Cabin Fever (hosted by the twisted souls Brian Fitzpatrick and Aaron Poole) is the result of having too much time on your hands and access to your local community radio station.
Over the course of an hour, they manage to trawl the depths of good taste, plus throw some music in. How much more could you want from a podcast?… Quality? Oh… we didn’t think of that.
Enjoy! And we hope our cross Atlantic friends can understand the Irish accent 😉
Hugs and Kisses,
Aaron P. + Rev. Fitzy
CABIN FEVER #29: Along Came A Spider – Brian has recovered from his dose of ebola and returns to help Aaron produce probably our geekiest episode yet. And that’s saying something. The Cabin boys discuss missing feet, life on Mars, the word “flabbergast”, and all things arachnid. To keep your toes tapping we have music from The Tender Box, MGMT, The Smiths, and Michael Buble… That’s right – The Buble opens this shizzle. Press Play… Now.
[CONTENT WARNING]: Explicit contents! We say every naughty word you can think of. You have been warned!
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Episode #29 (MP3 format)
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Comments: 9 Comments
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July 4th, 2008 at 6:53 am
I live in America, and Budweiser is only better here when your parents are related. I can’t imagine how your Bud tastes if its even worse there. Maybe we can swap Budweisers and have a two way taste test. I bet neither get too many monkeys.
July 4th, 2008 at 7:57 am
Hey Tyler. When I first started drinking beer, Budweiser was my choice of brands. I quite liked it. But I guess I was young and naive. Brian assures me it was always shite though.
I have since gone off beer entirely and drink cider now instead.
Fewer hangovers and higher alchohol rates 😀
You are however always welcome to share a Bud with us!
July 4th, 2008 at 6:29 pm
As soon as i can scrape together some money i will certainly do that sir, but only if there are drunk Canadians and English
Sailors. I’ll drink the Jäger with you. Or maybe ill just fly to Atlanta and save some cash, but that seems just as far from California as Ireland.
July 4th, 2008 at 9:55 pm
“I wanna’ gast yer flabber.”
Does that count as one of the dirtiest things to say?
BTW, you are so wrong about Futurama, Fitz. You just don’t seem to get the point. It’s a completely different beast from the Simpsons. That doesn’t make it a bad show, that makes the show “not FOR you”.
July 4th, 2008 at 10:36 pm
Oh, I forgot to ask: what do you guys think of Hellboy and BPRD? The writing is fantastic and incorporates myths and legends incredibly well. The art is also the best around, in my opinion.
But one of the best parts? NO RET-CONS! We know where it’s heading and they don’t change lanes midway through the story. And when they want to do new stories, they just put them in the past, which conveniently avoids having to ret-con the main story and actually adds to it.
I’m with you guys, I can’t read other comic books. On top of ret-conning and countless alternate universes, there’s the massive amount of back story. There’s just no way to keep up. I remember reading various X-Men as a kid during the 90s and seeing the alleys filled with notations directing you to previous issues and storylines.
BTW, the “blue guy” in the Spiderman show is Tombstone, if I’m not mistaken. I’m not sure, because I don’t watch comic book cartoons. For one, I can’t stand the damn DC Batman/Superman/Teen Titans-like art styles that run rampant these days. They’re just eyesores. Also, they never last very long. And then a few years later, there’s a new one. And what always happens? They keep re-hashing the same old storylines that we’ve already been exposed to. With Spiderman, for instance, they just keep going back to damn origins. I’m sick of the Green Goblin. I’m sick of the Venom suit. I know who they are, I know where they came from. NEXT.
Aside from the Hellboy feature cartoons, the only comic cartoons I could stand to watch were Batman Beyond, which was such an edgy direction that didn’t rehash, and Spiderman Unlimited. Two great, original takes on classic characters…that were canceled.
July 5th, 2008 at 8:37 am
I love me some Hellboy. I just bought the 5th TPB about 2 days ago. I’ve been slowing buying them over the past year.
The art IS indeed kick ass and it’s moving back and forth in the characters history does indeed create a great layered protagonist.
And you seem to have left out the awesome Batman cartoon series from the 90s done by the WB.
That ruled!
July 5th, 2008 at 12:32 pm
I’ve never been much for Batman, I’m afraid. Though I will say that Mark Hamill as the Joker was genius casting.
Oh, and another thing about Hellboy is, you don’t really need to read the story arcs in order. There’s always the main plot, but each little series is so a well contained that nothing is really ruined.
July 9th, 2008 at 10:04 am
I couldn’t get smod56 to download (still can’t get the last 9 mins!) so I decided to check out cabin fever. I’m thinking there’s a barrel of monkeys in the two of you – I’m going to check out your archives. I live in dingle and i think you two would be a great alternative radio team. … even though Brian was so needlessly mean about Rosie Perez’s looks… She’s not on some MTV date show – She can act – check her out in Fearless with Jeff Bridges.
July 9th, 2008 at 1:21 pm
Hey Diana, thanks for the kind words!
Anything that we can do to brighten up the weather down in Dingle is always a bonus 😉 (if it’s half as crazy as it is in Dublin the last month)
However, if you’re checking the archives you’ll unfortunately find that Brian is needlessly mean about most people. It’s his M.O.
I like to think I balance him out though.