Here are today’s top entertainment headlines:
It appears the upcoming Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows may not be author J.K. Rowling’s last novel about the little wizard that could. Rowling’s responded to the question of future Potter books by saying “never say never.” The author continued saying that in a couple years she’d like to revisit the popular series and add extra Dewbacks and scenes with Jabba the Hutt.
- Actress Toni Collette, famous for her role as the mother in The Sixth Sense, is expecting… a baby! The child will be Collette’s first with husband slash rocker Dave Galafassi. It’s unclear if the child will be able to see dead Bruce Willis.
- And finally in video game news, gamers will have the opportunity to play as and against Slash in the upcoming Guitar Hero III. Slash will be a boss character that players will have to defeat in the course of the game. Sony said that every Guitar Hero III will come with a syringe and a bottle of Whiskey to “heighten the experience.”
That’s all for today’s news, stay tuned to this channel for all the news that matters least but you still care about.
(Compiled by J. Allen)
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