Here are today’s top entertainment headlines:
Gus Van Sant has been attached to direct a film adaptation of Tom Wolfe’s book The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test. The book, which is a true account of a cross country trip by author Ken Kesey, focuses on extreme drug use. At this time no actors have actually been cast, but producers are expected to give the Kool-Aid Man a minor cameo appearance.
- It has been announced that Director Tim Story, whose Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer opens this week, will direct a movie based on another comic book, The Losers. Story has said that the movie will stick closely to the comic book and will be about a rag-tag group of betrayed soldiers, and not comic book fans.
- It appears Kate Moss is looking for a fight with singer Amy Winehouse. Moss allegedly had Winehouse’s husband thrown out of a VIP tent at the recent Isle of Wight festival. Responding to the slight against her and her husband, Winehouse has proposed a challenge to Moss to settle the rift before it gets worse – the first one to shoot 50 kilograms of junk into their eye socket wins.
That’s all for today’s news, stay tuned to this channel for all the news that matters least but you still care about.
(Compiled by J. Allen)
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