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SModcast is the meandering palaver of a pair of dudes whose voices are so dull, they don’t deserve to be on the radio (and, hence, aren’t). Kevin Smith and Scott Mosier are SModcast.

The best thing about SModcast? It don’t cost nothing.


SModcast 15: The Pretty-Good Worker –

In which things go back to normal and our heroes discuss the passing of a bear-like legend, ruminate on the emotional and physical perils of pet ownership, confess to being cat people, fret over Weiners hunting weiners, become the Jolie of dog adoption, and incur the wrath of all right-thinking and decent people by spending nearly an hour trying to figure out whether Helen Keller was truly impaired or just party to an elaborate ruse.

[CONTENT WARNING] SModcast features harsh language and even harsher notions of propriety. Listener discretion is advised.

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SModcast 15 (MP3 format) – 52.15 MB


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Comments: 7 Comments

7 Responses to “SModcast 15”

  1. Vince Says:

    What’s the music playing in the background at about 34 minutes in? Sounds like cartoon like music.

  2. Peder Says:

    “… that Metallica song, I can’t remember which one it was…”

    Inadvertently hillarious (since it obviously is called “One”)

  3. Travis Says:

    See Me, Feel Me by The Who…classic placement when talking about Helen Keller.

  4. BigRud Says:

    Pinball Wizard by The Who. Good Pick

  5. Matt Says:

    I hope in future podcasts Kevin will let his co-host Scott Mosier speak. Or atleast allow him to answer Kevin’s questions. Kevin talks over Mosier so much and throws away all of his arguments so quickly it’s very annoying. This has got to be the most annoying Smodcast thus far for me. Kevin, if you’re reading this, please, let other people talk, like your co-host.

  6. erin Says:

    This actually made me go look at Helen Keller’s wikipedia. She was born normal and lost her vision and hearing at 19 months old, at which point she developed a form of sign language with the six year old daughter of her family’s cook. By the age of 7 she knew 60 signs to use in her home, and this was before she ever met Anne Sullivan. So by the time Anne Sullivan started teaching her a standardized way to communicate, it wasn’t TOTALLY abstract to Helen Keller because she had developed very basic language skills.

    She eventually earned a Bachelor of Arts degree and went to several Schools for the Blind. Apparently Mark Twain was an “admirer” of hers and he found someone to pay for her formal education. She had 12 books published. She died in 1968 (wow, recently). The president she met was LBJ, so there should probably be video somewhere, or at least photographs. I’m sure people are still around that met her, a documentary could totally be made.

  7. Kevin Says:

    Holy Shit she was a Socialist, thats why she isn’t a former President

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