Here are today’s top entertainment headlines:
The man that gave the world the smash hit “Tiny Bubbles” has passed away. Singer Don Ho died from heart failure. QSE News would only like to say the following about this tragic event – Haladelekamakah was the thing to say, when Don Ho died on Saturday.
- Actor Shia LaBeouf has been cast in the next installment of the successful Indiana Jones films. Although his participation has been confirmed, it is not yet known what role he will be playing. Insiders speculate the LaBeouf will play some whiney, smart-alecky, aloof kid that hangs around Indiana Jones the whole move and occasionally screams for help.
- In other casting news, actress Christina Ricci has joined the cast of the upcoming film adaptation of the cartoon Speed Racer. Hot off her role in Black Snake Moan, Ricci will be playing the role of “the car” and many Ricci fans are excited to see Speed climb on board and drive her hard, fast and with little regard for it… we mean her, safety.
- In one final bit of casting news, Edward Norton will be replacing Eric Bana in the role of Bruce Banner in The Incredible Hulk. Producers hope that Norton will bring a bit of credibility to a movie about a “big green guy that talks like a retard and smashes stuff for an hour and a half.”
That’s all for today’s news, stay tuned to this channel for all the news that matters least but you still care about.
(Compiled by J. Allen)
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