Here are today’s top entertainment headlines:
Radio personality Don Imus is in trouble for racist remarks he made regarding the Rutgers University championship women’s basketball team. Last week Imus referred to the team as nothing more than “nappy-headed hos.” Imus apologized saying he was told by his staff that “nappy” meant skill-oriented women and “hos” meant basketball players who can’t dunk.
- In a sad bit of news, the rock group Kiss lost on of its members last Thursday night. Guitarist Mark St. John, 51, died of an apparent brain hemorrhage. The news has left many Kiss fans with the same question: “Who the [EXPLETIVE DELETED] is Mark St. John?”
- David Goyer has apparently recovered from his failed attempt to launch a Flash movie by wooing Warner Bros. to sponsor a Green Arrow film. The film will put Green Arrow behind bars where he will face super villains he captured. Goyer said he will play up the violence and play down the salad tossing and rusty tromboning.
- And finally today, the stars of the TV show King of Queens have filmed their last episode of the show which is scheduled to air next month. The series is ending because star Kevin James has opted out of the show to pursue a feature film career and because the show’s writers have completely run out of ideas to explain away how a fat, goofy-looking and unfunny man could be married to such a hot piece of ass.
That’s all for today’s news, stay tuned to this channel for all the news that matters least but you still care about.
(Compiled by J. Allen)
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