Most people only see the end result of a big accomplishment – whether it was the invention of the wheel, the light bulb, or even the internet. They don’t see the hard work, heartache, and failures that go into creating something great. In an effort to give people a better understanding of the path go-getters take, independent filmmaker Lisa Murray has begun a documentary showing the drive people have in manifesting their destiny. I Have Dreams – Dammit, released by her company, Skylife Productions, walks the viewers through the lives of dream pursuers and the resilience that carries them to their destination. “After coming against my own obstacles, in my pursuit of being a filmmaker, I decided to make this film in hopes to influence those who where going after their own dreams to stay motivated,” Murray stated.
So far the film’s trailer has received great reviews on the On The Lot website. The website was set up for a new reality TV series by Mark Burnett and Steven Spielberg for indie filmmakers. I Have Dreams – Dammit is still in production, but is the first of many projects to come from Lisa Murray. This also is not the first project she’s received rave reviews for. Her short film, Free Hugs in Hollywood, was featured on Yahoo!’s homepage this past December and has received over 380,000 views. In the video Murray displays how the simple act of giving one a hug can be exactly what’s needed to brighten one’s day.
In watching her videos, I couldn’t help but feel that Murray’s work has an authenticity to it that can truly change the world for the better. Her vision and determination is the touch of wholesome flavor the film industry needs in order to serve viewers a complete artistic meal. She is very one on one with her fans and constantly updates her video blogs, giving her personal perspective on the progression of her work. Still keeping her journey in perspective she stated, “I use my obstacles to push me forward, so I can move out of my own comfort zone, and accomplish what I need to.” Folks can still view and rate her trailer on the On The Lot website, and can hear more of her perspective and progress of the film on her You Tube Video Blogs.
More info can be found out about her company at www.skylifeproductions.com.
–Copyright 2007 Keneteph Entertainment
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