BLOG TRIVIA: “My Creepy Picture Contest†–
So, you think you’re king of Scrubs trivia? Think you know the show backwards and forwards? Well, this it the contest for you!
We’ve digitally removed the heads from 65 characters in the screen grabs below. Your task is to tell who the characters are, and what episode the screen grab is from.
If that seems a daunting challenge, don’t worry – just try and get as many as you can, as we’ll be randomly picking 3 winners from those entries that get the most answers correct.
And what do you win, you ask? Well, the fabulous prize package shall remain a mystery… Who knows, you may even be consulted on what your prize may be! Either way, if you’ve seen what we’ve given away in the past, you know it’s going to be amazing.
To enter, you need to send your answers in numerical order to scrubstrivia@gmail.com. You must use the name of the episodes – *no production numbers* – and the answers must be in the body of your e-mail (NO ATTACHMENTS!)…
1. The Todd – “My Fake, Made-Up Episode”
2. J.D. – “My Really Fake, Still Made-Up Episode”
3. Dr. Kelso – “My Exceptionally Fake, Totally Made-Up Episode”
Also, your entry must include your name and mailing address.
There is only one entry per person, and all entries must be submitted no later than 11:59pm on Monday, March 19th. This contest *is* open to overseas fans, as well.
Good luck, and get crackin’!

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