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[CONTENT WARNING] This podcast contains foul language and decaf coffee.
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Terribly busy watching horror movies. No time for box office mess, since basically all you need to know is that you can expect Saw 4 next Halloween. If you need more, find it at Box Office Mojo.
Universal’s anti-fan prickish ways.
Disney-ABC speaks sense at last.
The Clicker talks about entitlement.
Boy Scouts have no clue how to “Respect Copyrights”.
Special thanks to Exit Mindbomb for letting me use “Godzilla Will Rule You” from their album Happy Accident for my new WGO music. Check them out on MySpace here and I tried to link up as many songs as I could here.
Widgett Walls is the chief cook and bottle washer for Needcoffee.com. He’s also the author of Mystics on the Road to Vanishing Point and Magnificent Desolation. His personal blog is at OneTusk.com, which he updates when he feels like it. He lives and works in Atlanta, Georgia. He hardly ever sleeps.
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